What Kind of Friend Are You?

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CH 20

Not like other girls

MC: Mammon and I are here where tf are the rest of you

Levi: I'm down the street

Mammon: levi why are you wearing a ruri chan mask

Levi: We have to be incognito if we wanna catch a criminal

MC: Nothing about you is incognito

Mammon: where the hell is nancy and pumba

Mammon: @everyone ????

MC: Oh god what if theyve been spray painted to death

Levi: That'll be a fun autopsy

Mammon: you sound like Lucifer 😓

MC: Belphegor really boutta smite us for letting Beel die on my watch fUCK

Beel: I thought I was the one watching the rest of you

MC: Nvm we're good

Mammon: where ya'll at we have no plan

MC: We look so suspicious sitting out here

Levi: I dont know what you mean

Mammon: Levi youre lanky, wearing a lolita mask, and crouched behind a bush

Levi: Yeah and?

Mammon: ...

Nancy Drew: We know who it is.

MC: What

MC: You figured it out already????

Mammon: well dont keep us in suspense

Nancy Drew: Do the honors Watson. 

Beel: The graffiti artist is Levi

Mammon: lmAoooo ok i admit you had me there for a second

Mammon: fr who is it

Nancy Drew: It's... actually Levi.

Mammon: WHAT

Mammon: HUH???????????????????????????????????????????

MC: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levi: nani

Nancy Drew: Don't play dumb. You can't weeb your way out of this one.

Nancy Drew: Beel and I first noticed something was up when we were talking about L.S in the chat earlier.

Nancy Drew: You mentioned your favorite painting was the one in the aquarium.

Levi: And?

Beel: I knew it was you the minute you said that

Beel: I don't know everyone in this town, but I bet you're the only person who hates aquariums.

Levi: They treat fish like disposable toys!

Nancy Drew: You also knew about the convenience store incident, and it isn't a very well known story. It just so happens the painting on Mr. Turner's window looks like a monkey.

Levi: This is just speculation! You can't accuse me without evidence!

Nancy Drew: Yeah, that's why I had to declare we'd be holding a stakeout.

Nancy Drew: It'd get you out of the house long enough for Beel and I to break in.

Levi: nani

Obey Me! : Chat Fic EditionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora