Feels in Hell's Kitchen

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Ch 11

Thot Squad

MC: so Solomon came out as bi and a top the other day

MC: and it got me thinking 

MC: why dont we add him here

Sim: because of Asmos distant admiration of him??


MC: Yeah but maybe we'd finally get some progress with these two if he joins

Diavolo: I like Solomon! I say we add him!

Asmo: As long as y'all dont talk shit, I dont mind actually. 

MC: we're thots not bad friends

Sim: I'm not even a thot

MC: tell that to barbatos boo

Sim: I'm working on it :'(

MC: wait no dont be sad :'(

Diavolo: Can I add Solomon now?

MC: He cant see previous chat logs right?

Asmo: nope

Diavolo has added Solomon to the chat.

Solomon: Hello.

Sim: Welcome to the squad!

Diavolo: We support each other during trying times.

Solomon: Trying times?

MC: Not being able to get a date despite being cute as fuck lmao

Solomon: Ah.

Solomon: I unfortunately belong here.

Solomon: Oh shit Asmo's here?

Asmo: Hiiiiii~

Solomon: You shouldn't be

Solomon: You're far too pretty to be on Simeon's level

Sim: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

Solomon: It means ask Barbatos out coward

Sim: I'm working on it ;-;

Solomon: Or at least, let him know you exist

Sim: I'll have you know I once asked him to borrow an eraser.

Sim: And he sees me talk to Diavolo all the time!

Diavolo: Well, yeah, but he's never spoken a word about you.

Sim: Guess I'll die

Solomon: Wow this is tragic

Diavolo: I've known Barbatos for a long time, but he's never spoken to me about romantic interests.

MC: I wouldnt talk to my boss about my love life either

Diavolo: But we're good friends 

Solomon: I'm good friends with Simeon, but I don't wait on him hand and foot or earn my paycheck from him

Asmo: Didnt Barbatos get into this school because your family sponsored him?

Diavolo: Yeah?

Asmo: Diavolo your relationship to him is so complicated. It's like a different sector outside of friends, family, and partners

Diavolo: I never thought too hard about it

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