Mall Trip

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Lucifer's Circus

Belphie: If we're a circus then Mammon is the clown

Where's the leak Mam: hello to you too asshole

MC: Mammon that NAME

Where's the leak Mam: i know i was proud of it

Ass hoe: If we're a circus, then i wanna be the lion

Ass hoe: MC can be my tamer ;)

MC: You'd make a better bearded lady

Ass hoe: excuse

The Reaper Leviathan: Mammon would definitely make a good clown

Beel: He's pretty good at juggling debt so its fitting

Where's the leak Mam: oi you two, them's fighting words

Satan: "them's"

Satan: My eyes are bleeding.

MC: Them've been worse

The Reaper Leviathan: Them'nt saying nothin wrong

Satan: Thanks! I hate it.

Ass Hoe: I'm bored.

Ass Hoe: @Levi @Belphie Let's go to the mall!~

Belphie: No.

The Reaper Leviathan: No way lol.

Ass Hoe: HA ya'll are cute.

Ass Hoe: I'm giving that picture of you two cuddling together to the school newspaper if you say no again.

Belphie: And? They'll think we're dating and congratulate us at worst. We're not so fragile that something like that would bother us.

The Reaper Leviathan: Yeah.

Ass Hoe: I know! But you forget, when they publish it, you're gonna get harrassed by the straight people who demand to know every little detail about same sex relationships for the rest of your high school career.

Ass Hoe: aka "so which one of you takes it up the ass?"

Belphie: Wow I love shopping.


The Reaper Leviathan: This is cruelty.

FatherLucifer: Why are you taking the anti-social club to the mall?

Ass Hoe: I was really bored in class today and I started thinking about stuff, and eventually my mind wandered to 

Ass Hoe: 'What would Levi and Belphie look like in clothes that actually fit them?'

Ass Hoe: So yeah imma just make them look cute instead of scraggly for once. With my own money, of course.

FatherLucifer: I fully support this endeavor. 

The Reaper Leviathan: What

Belphie: Huh??

FatherLucifer: You both dress like slobs. It'd be a very good change of pace.

Belphie: I am

Belphie: Disgusted.

MC: I wanna go too

Belphie: nvm

The Reaper Leviathan: that wasnt shady at all

MC: Levi!!!!! I wanna see you in a suit!!!!!!

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