Angry Boi Gives Decent Advice

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Ch 10

trigger warning for homophobic slurs

DM: Belphie & MC

Belphie: I'm not very good talking to people directly, so I thought I'd do it this way.

Belphie: I'm sorry.

Belphie: I didn't have any right to put my hands on you. You didn't trigger my PTSD.

Belphie: Well, not before you fainted, at least. 

Belphie: You were right, I was projecting onto you.

Belphie: Uh, that's all, I guess.

DM: MC & Satan

MC: So I feel like you'd give me advice that I actually want to hear.

Satan: What's up?

MC: sent a screenshot

Satan: You want to know how to respond to Belphie?

Satan: Why don't you ask to have this conversation face to face?

MC: Because I don't want to.

MC: Just because I forgive him doesn't mean I'm not still angry. And you're the king of angry.

Satan: Don't respond to him. 

MC: That's so petty tho

Satan: It's not. Give yourself time to cool off before you say something rash.

MC: Wow that's,,,,, actually super helpful.

Satan: You're welcome.

MC: Why dont you ever take your own advice then lmao

Satan: I didn't ask for criticism. 

MC: <3

Lucifer's Aquarium

Salmon: breaking news

Salmon: @everyone aaaaaaaaaaaaa

MC: why is ur username making me laugh so hard

FatherLucifer: What is it Mammon?

Salmon: Solomon came out. 

Levi: I mean we been knew, considering the way he looks at Asmodeus

Asmo: as if everyone doesn't look at me with utter adoration

Salmon: but he came to school with a bisexual pride flag around his neck while riding a skateboard

Salmon: this has the same energy as Asmo's Leather incident 

Levi: Twas meant to be

Satan: No please I don't need another Asmo around.

Asmo: ugggggghhhhhhhh

MC: you wanna talk about it dude?

Asmo: no but I do wanna talk about how impressed I am

Asmo: y'all hear about what happened fifth period?

Satan: I did. I was an eyewitness. 

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