"Well, we don't need to go together. You do your weird little magic quest thing, me and (Y/n) will find our own way out" Catra says

We look back and it's blocked off by the rubble and the only way out is forward and Catra and I look at Adora and she looks back and we start walking with Adora walking a little ahead

"The hair poof has gotten bigger" I whisper to Catra

"I told you it did" Catra whispers and we giggle

Adora looks at us angrily and Catra and I look other ways

We continue to walk and occasionally Catra would say something and I'd laugh and we'd hear Adora groan in annoyance

"But can it cushion a blow?" I whisper to Catra and Catra giggles

"I think it does I'm sure she has a brain injury by now" Catra whispers

We laugh quietly and Adora turns around

"Can you not make fun of me when I'm literally a foot away from you" Adora says

"We're not talking about you" I say

"Jeez Adora leave us alone we're just trying to bet on how big the hair poof will get" Catra says

Adora groans and we continue to walk

"Another dead end" Catra groans

"No, it's not...Eternia" Adora says and the door opens

Catra and I look at her in confusion

"Eh long story" Adora says

We enter a dark room and Adora uses her sword as a light

"Wow a dark room how magical" I sarcastically say

"Cool, you found the Infinite Darkness room. Have fun, we're gonna find another way around. ...Uh...where'd the door go?" Catra asks

"Wait, I think I see something. Hello? Light Hope?" Adora says

"Who the fuck is light hope" I whisper

We walk towards a red flashing light

"What's--" Catra asks but is cut off

The red light flashes blindingly, and we and cover our eyes in and the light scans over our bodies

"What the" I ask

We were in the fright zone

Adora shoves both of us hardly into the wall with her arm to our necks

"What kind of game are you playing?!" Adora angrily asks

"What?" I ask

"Whoa, whoa! I have no idea what's going on. There's no way we can actually be in the Fright Zone!" Catra says

"We can't be Adora, we just can't" I say trying to get her to let us go

"So what is this, another Shadow Weaver mind trick?!" Adora who is paranoid asks

"I doubt it. Now let go of us!" Catra says and shoves Adoras arm off of us

Catra and I walk off and try to figure out what's going on and we find a guard

"Hey, you! Guard. ...Uh, hello?" Catra asks

"Hello?" I ask

Catras arm passes through the guard and we both realize it's not real

"Hey, Adora! This isn't real!" Catra says

"Yeah it's some kind of hologram" I say

We walk over to Adora

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now