Chapter 19

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Once the four of us were ready to go, we headed out.

"What if they decide not to come with us?" Rick asked.

"Well then that'll be for them to decide. We can't force them to come with us," I said.

"Yeah I know," he said.

"They could always just stay there. Learn how to survive on their own," Michonne said.

"You'd really be okay with doing that?" Rick asked.

"We all had to do that. Why shouldn't they?" she retorted.

"She's right," I said.

Both Daryl and Rick looked over at me.

"If they want to go at it on their own, who are we to stop them? I'm not gonna bend over backwards to help someone who doesn't want it," I said.

They were quiet for a bit.

"They have a point. But let's hope that it doesn't come to that," Daryl said.

We were silent the rest of the way.

Rick slowed down when we reached the gates of Woodbury. The people on guard held up their weapons and ordered us all to come out.

"Don't make any sudden moves," I said to them.

We all got out and held our hands in the air. I recognized both the man and the woman that stood on the guard post.

"State your business," the woman ordered.

"You guys were at the prison weren't you?" I asked.

Rick and Daryl looked over at me and shook their heads.

"I got this," I whispered.

"We were. Until you guys kicked us out," the man said.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. We didn't get the chance to formally introduce each other. My name is Kari. This is Rick, Daryl and Michonne," I started.

"Why are you here?" the woman asked.

"I'd like to tell you but I don't feel comfortable in doing that with a gun pointed at me," I said.

She looked to the man and the both of them put the guns down.

"Now, why are you here?" she asked.

"We've come to bring you back. Every person here," I said.

"Why? Did the Governor send you?" the man asked.

"How about you let us in before we discuss that, huh?" Rick said.

The man looked to the woman and they both nodded. They disappeared and I looked over at the others.

"If this doesn't work?" Michonne asked.

"It will," I said.

The gates were opened and the man and woman came out.

"I'm Tyreese. This is my sister, Sasha," the man said.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Now where is the governor," Sasha asked.

"He's dead and I killed him," I said.

Both Tyreese and Sasha then held up their weapons then the others did as well.

"Hey! Lower your weapons. All of you," I ordered.

"Not a chance," Sasha said.

"If they ain't doing it then neither am I," Daryl said, his crossbow held up and ready to fire.

Endure and Survive (Sequel to How We Live Now)Where stories live. Discover now