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Narrator POV
*The whole book is NOT written in this POV*

Vantablack is one of the darkest colors known to man. It soaked up light, so much so that you wouldn't see it reflect light off of it. The color is so dark the human eye can't process it. If someone were to wear something in the color Vantablack they would appear to be floating.

This was what would confuse someone. People think Satan and the Angel of Death are the same person, when really, they're far from the same. Satan's damned to hell, using his demons to do his dirty work around the world. While the Angel of Death wonders the world, doing his own dirty work with his demons controlling him inside his head. He wonders around with a smile that send shivers down one's spine, and a voice so beautiful yet so dangerous. His wings are thought to be Vantablack, so dark they can't be seen.

The angel of death doesn't walk gracefully, he's flying, we just can't see it. Although this is all just a myth, believed by very few people, like the handless man strapped to a chair sitting in front of who he believed was the angel of death himself.

Blood pour out of his mouth, if his head wasn't dropped down, he'd drown in his own blood, instead, his old jeans were pooling with it.

The man spoke but it wasn't heard by his victim. In fact he mostly heard muffled voices and ringing. He was constantly dizzy, his stomach growled in hunger but it went ignored by his captor.

He wished he could explain his reasoning for being put through this torture, but the angel of death needs no reason to take a life.

The man wheezed after coughing up more blood, he could barely see the polished black shoes of this man. He could hardly hear the deep, muffled voice say something before everything went black.

"Pulisci." He spoke simply to the two men standing in the corners of the room. They were young men, barely twenty one and still going to clubs for fun. They were new to this life, but they were being treated like they've been here for years, witnessing some of the most gruesome scenes, not to take part, but to clean up afterwards. This tactic was used to root fear into them, and respect. If they ever betrayed the family, this times one hundred would be done to them.

( Clean this up. )

So they knew better.

With his underboss standing to his right, he exited the room that smelt of rotting flesh, a smell he's grown more than accustomed to.

"I miei anelli." He spoke, holding his hand out. A thick black velvet bag was placed into the palm of his hand. The sound of two million dollars worth of rings jingled quietly.

( My rings. )

Without looking, just feeling, he placed the six rings on his hands, four on the right, two on the left. His right ring finger held a thick silver ring, small square diamonds wrapped around the ring, the middle diamond was made to look like a skull, it'd been the first ring he got for himself at thirteen. His right middle finger held two thin rings, one gold, one silver. Each meaning something different. His pinky finger held a thick ring with a black diamond on it, an average American would easily mistaken it for a Super Bowl ring.

His left hand held two simple rings, a black gold ring on his ring finger, it didn't mean marriage. It was almost like...a promise ring. And the second was another black gold ring with two extremely thin silver bands wrapped around it. The bands were so thin that if they were taken off the ring and used as a weapon, they could easily slit someone's throat, making it feel like a paper cut, later leading to their death.

"Chiedi a Simone di iniziare a cena, questo incontro al club non dovrebbe richiedere troppo tempo." He told his right hand as they made their way into an elevator. The elevator looked out of place, it was clean, it smelled good and looked as if it was finished just days before. While the current area of the building it was in was filled with the stench of blood and death, a smell painful to the nose if it wasn't used to it. The area itself looked old and bloodied, cracked concrete all over the old building and mold growing in some places.

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