Kaitlyn (Part one)

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When she asked cody---Mr. Carson, to help, I looked around and saw a lot of pictures of Mr. Carson as a child. He was adorable. I look over and see him as a 6 or 7 year old, holding a baby. I assume that's his brother. I suddenly hear a nervous chuckle echo from the kitchen. I bite my lip and listen a little.

“Mom, she's my student” I hear him say slowly.

“Cody, love knows no boundaries.”

“Love? Mom...”

“Your father was my teacher. Of course we didn't go out or get together until I graduated. But, it's alright to feel like this Cody.”

“Mom, I just met her.”

“Sweetie, it doesn't take long”

“Today was my first day.” He sighs, “Mom, I do like her. She's beautiful, smart, extremely nice. But, she's my student.”

“Cody, you can't stop yourself from falling for her. Feelings develop even if you don't want them too. She may be your student now, but she won't be in a few months.”

I sink onto the edge of the sofa. He likes me? He won't when he gets to know me more. Gets to know my life. My life is all kinds of screwed up. I sit up straighter when I hear his dad walk in with a teenager. He looks about my age. Oh my god, it's Derek! My ex! Dammit!

Derek stops right in his tracks when he sees me. “Kaitlyn?”

I wave, “Hi.”

Cody walked in, “You know her?”

Derek sighs and that's when I realize he never told his family about us. I scoff, and everyone looks at me, except Derek who keeps his eyes on the floor.

I smile politely, “Um, thanks for letting me stay, but I should get home.”

Cody steps forward, but Derek puts his arm out, to stop him, “Let her go.”

I walk out and start walking home. But there's one problem...'

where IS home?

I start walking towards home. Where am I? Is this where we came from?

The next hour, I walk around not knowing where I am. I'm completely lost. My phone is dead. And it's dark out. I sigh. Great. Stupid Derek. What was he even doing there? He can't be Mr. Carson's little brother. Can he? Of course he can. They even look alike. I sit on the curb and put my hands on my head and just stare at the street.

A few minutes later, I hear my name being called. I look up at a car and see my dad.

“Dad?” I stand up slowly and walk over to his car.

“Sweetie, I've been looking for you all night. What happened?”

I get in and look down, “My teacher didn't wanna leave me in an empty house for dinner, so he invited me to his parents house for dinner.. and Derek showed up.. and I walked out..”
He just looks at me, before leaning over and hugging me.

“Dad? Everything okay?”

“Are you okay with staying alone for a few months?”

“A few months? Dad...why?”

He sighs, “I'm going into rehab. I wanna break this dependency on alcohol. It isn't healthy for me nor you. And you need a father...”

I smile, “you're getting help? Dad that's great!”

He smiles and nods, “Jennifer and Jace can stay when they want too! But no parties. Got it?”

I nod, “Got it!”

He nods, and drives home.

We walk in and he starts making dinner. I help him and we sit down at the kitchen table and we talk. We haven't done this since mom died. I think he's actually trying. A few times we've gone quiet an just looked at moms chair. We miss her. We took the death equally as hard. Except, I've done everything my mom would've wanted, and my dad has turned to drinking. Many others would've just left home. My mom would never want me to abandon my father. And I would never give up on him.

After dinner, I washed the dishes and my dad went to bed. I go upstairs and see a missed call and a text message. I listen to the voice mail.

“Kaitlyn, I know I'm the last person you want to speak to.. Please just answer your phone. We need to talk.” Click.

I delete it and call him back.

“Kaitlyn. Hi.”

“What do you want Derek?”

“I know you figured out I didn't tell my family about us..”

“Go to hell.”

“Kaitlyn. Don't hang up. Why were you at my house?”

“I'm having problems at home, so your brother invited me to dinner.”

Derek sighs, “Kaitlyn. Stay away from my family.”

“Not a problem.” I hang up and sigh.

I put my jean jacket on, leave a note for my dad, telling him I went for a walk. I grab my phone and walk out. I start walking and sigh. I softly start singing, something I haven't done since my mom died. I hum “Don't forget” while walking through the park. Along the lake. I hear a voice and I stop and look back.



“Hey, Mr. Carson.” I stop and wait for him.

“it's late. What are you doing here?”

I shrug, “Needed to think”

He nods, “I'm sorry about Derek.”

“Did he finally tell you and your parents?”

“Tell us what?”

“I'll take that as a no. Why don't you ask him.?”

“Kaitlyn, what are you talking about?”

“Derek and I dated for a year and a half. He also dated Chelsea at the same time.”

“He always brought her over..” He whispers, looking at me.

“Of course he did. He was proud to be seen with her. I was always the nobody of that relationship.”

“Kaitlyn, I'm so so sorry..” He looks at me, sympathetically.

I nod, “He wants me to stay away from your family.. So, I gotta go.”

“Can I walk you home?”

I hesitate, then nod, “Sure.”

we start to walk back to my place, and we talk. We talk about our childhoods, our futures. He loves to teach, but one thing no one knows except his family.. he loves to sing. He sings, like me. I love people who sing. 

Dream Catcher (Cody Carson story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon