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We almost got caught, again. Mrs. Crass never comes to see me, so I don't really know whats going on. She smiles politely at me,

" What can I do for you, Mrs. Crass?"

"I was told to come get you. You have a visitor in the office."

I raise an eyebrow and follow her to the office. I walk in and I stand frozen. My eyes widen,


She turns and smiles, "Hello Cody. It's nice to see you again."

"Uh, yeah. You too. What are you doing here?"

She shrugs, "What? I can't come say hello to my almost son-in-law?"

"Almost son-in-law? I never proposed to Dani.."

"You were going to, right?"

I shake my head, "No. I wasn't ready for marriage. She was 20. I was 21. We weren't ready.."

She sighs, "How is Jake?"

"He's good. He wishes he could've met his mom.. But, He's healthy. And happy."

She nods, "Good. Can I meet him?"

"Well, I work late tonight, and my.. girlfriend is taking him out tonight."

"Oh, so you moved on?"

"Diane, it's been 3 years. Of course, I moved on.. I waited for Danielle to come back, but she never did. She never even called."

She simply nods, and hugs me, "well, I'll be going. I hope to meet him soon, Cody."

"How long are you in town?"

"2 days. I leave Sunday."

I nod, "I'll stop by so you can meet Jake."

She nods, "Thank you, Cody."

I nod softly, and walk back to my classroom.

That was odd.

(Kaitlyn's POV.)

I'm trying so hard to focus on shopping with my friends, but that feeling never went away. Maybe it will go away once I pick up Jake, and his father comes home later tonight. Hopefully.

It's 3:55, and I walk into Jake's preschool. I stood in the lobby, talking to the lady at the office. She was about early 20's. She was gorgeous and really nice. We were talking until 4, when the kids started filing out of their rooms with the teachers. I wait but Jake never comes out. I look around and then at the Catherine,

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to pick up my boyfriends kid, Jacob Carson."

"Oh, someone came here to pick him up early."

"What?? He knew I was coming at 4."

She shrugs, "She proved who she said she was."

"And who was this?"

"Sorry ma'am, we're not allowed to give out names."

I sigh, and pull out my phone and call Cody.

After a few rings, I hear his gorgeous husky voice,

"Hey Beautiful."

I can't help but smile at his voice, "Hey handsome. Did you send soemone else to pick up Jake?"

Suddenly he loses his husky tone, and is now very serious, "No."

"Someone came earlier and signed him out before I got here."

"I'm leaving work now. We'll find him."

With that he hangs up. Who on earth would take that precious baby boy without anyone's permission?!

It's now 10 at night, and we haven't heard a word from Jake or whoever took him. Cody was panicking, and so was I. He was my son now too. We need to find him. Cody was on the phone with the police for the 4th time today. They aren't doing shit, because it hasn't been 24 hours. Who the hell waits 24 hours to go searching for a fucking 3 year old?! NO ONE! Ugh. I called Jace and Jennifer and they're out looking for him too. He has to be somewhere around here. Cody slams his cell on the table, making me flinch. He walks over, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I bury my face in his chest and get a good grip on his shirt.

I mumble, "We'll find him, sweetie. I won't rest until he's back here."

He kisses my head, "Promise?"

I nod, "I promise."

The next day, we're sitting at the island, the house is very quiet. We didn't sleep at all last night. We kept calling people. Then the door rang. I look over at the door, and bite my lip.

(Cody's POV)

Neither Kaitlyn nor I slept a wink last night. We're worried sick to our stomachs. All we want is my son back. I need to know Jake is okay. I've never been so worried in my life, about anything.

We're currently sitting in my kitchen, at the island sipping coffee, that we both desperately needed. I hear the doorbell ring, and my head snaps up. I rush over to the door, and open it to see two police men at my door.

"Can I help you?"

"Are you Mr. Carson?"

I nod, "Yes, Sir."

"We have some news concerning your son, Jacob Carson."


Sorry, it took a while. I recently found out my childhood best friend had committed suicide, and my heart has been shattered. I originally had plans with my friends so I wouldn't be home all day to just be miserable and mope around. But, those fell through, so I decided to update that, because Thursday (May 7th) have a performance. And then Friday is my best friends funeral. I'll update soon!

Q: What do you think the police are gonna say about Jake??

what about how cute Kaitlyn and Cody are together.

and Diane seems interesting doesn't she?

Well, I'll update as soon as I can!

I hope you like it!

Thank you for reading!

Comment what you think!


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