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We're sat in my living room, Cody and I sitting on the couch and my dad sitting across from us in an arm chair. He seemed pretty shocked when I told him we're dating, but he wasn't mad. He actually seemed happy to know I've found someone.

“So, how long have you two been seeing each other?”

“About 3 months, sir. I really care about your daughter.”

He smiles, “I can tell. It's 4 in the morning, and you went out to find her. Thank you, by the way.”

Cody smiled and nod, “I would do it again and again.” He leans over, kissing my head.

I can't help but smile, and be thankful for both Cody and my father. My father is taking it well. He can tell how much we care about each other, and then I hear my father speak up,

“at first, I was a bit hesitant about this, you being her teacher and all, but I can tell you both like each other a lot. As long as you take care of her, I have no problem with this.”

I grin, and walk over, hugging him, “Thank you, daddy.”

I feel his arms around my and hugging me back tightly. “I'm glad you're happy.” He kisses my head and I sit back down as Cody reaches over and shakes my fathers hand.

“I will never hurt your daughter. I promise.”

“Good.” My father shakes his hand and smiles at us, “Well, I'm off to bed, it's late..er... early. You can stay if you'd like.”

“I would, sir. But, My son is at home right now. Thank you though. It was nice meeting you.”

He smiles, and nods. “Have a good night then.” He walks upstairs.

I smile and walk Cody to the door, “tell jake I said hi okay?”

He smiles and leans down, kissing me softly but so sweetly, “Or you could tell him later today? It's Sunday. I usually take him out to the mall, Come with us?”

“Are you sure?”

“We can go to the one in the other town.”

I smile, and nod. “Then, sure. I'd love to.”

“Good. I'll pick you up around 12:30. Goodnight baby girl.”

I smile and peck his lips, “Goodnight handsome.”

we share a hug, and Cody walks off, walking home.

The next thing I remember, is my alarm going off around 11:45. I groan, and shut it off. I sit up and stretch. I stand up and go to my bathroom and jump in the shower. I get out and towel dry my hair, and get dressed in jeans and a hoodie with my last name on it. I look in the mirror, I need to get my hair done soon. I apply some make up, and I walk downstairs and see my dad washing the dishes. I smile and kiss his cheek,

“Morning daddy.”

“Good afternoon, sweetie. How'd you sleep?”

“A lot better in my bed than on that damn bench.”

He chuckles, “I'd hope so. I'm glad you're safe. I was worried sick.”

I nod, “I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to get lost in the park. I was scared.. and I couldn't find the way out.”

“It's okay, Kaity. Just be careful okay?”

I nod, “When do you go back?”

he sighs, “Tomorrow morning. I'm leaving here the same tme you leave for school.”

I nod, and hug him. “I'm going to the next town to go to the mall with Cody and Jake.”

“Do you like his son?”

I nod, and smile. “I love his son. He's so cute.”

He smiles, “Are you taking the role as his mom?”

“I'm not entirely sure. Cody and I haven't talked about it... But honestly? I'd love too. He needs a mother.. he's never had one. His mother left them when he was born, and then she was recently found dead... And, he's been through so much. I'd love to be..”

He smiles, “Thats good. I'm sure you'll be a great mother figure in his life.” He kisses my head, and continues to wash the dishes.

A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell. I walk over and open the door.


“Kaity!” Jake hugs my leg. I laugh and pick him up,

“Hey cutie! How are you?”

He grins, “Exciited!”

I laugh, “Good. We're gonna have some fun today, huh?”

He nods and grins, as my dad walks into the livingroom.

“Good afternoon, sir.”

My dad nods, “Good afternoon, Cody. This must be your son.”

Cody nods, and introduces them and Jake smiles and waves, still in my arms.

“I was wondering if you and Jake would like to come over for inner tonight. It's my last night in town.”

Cody smiles and nods, “we'd love to!”

I grin and look over at my dad. He smiles at us,

“Alright. You guys have fun today.”

I hug my dad, and walk out with Cody and Jake, and out Jake in the car, and I get in the front.

A few minutes later, we pull onto the high way, Cody driving with one hand and holding my hand with the other. He raises my hand to his lips and kisses it a few times, as I smile looking over at him. We turn on the radio, and I sing softly with them, as Jake smiles in the backseat, watching Cody and I sing and dance a bit to whatever song comes on the radio.

I don't remember ever being this happy. And I could definitely get use to this feeling. The feeling of belonging.


So, I'm pretty late with this. Sorry, I got home Friday night and I've been spending as much time as possible with family. I had a break down on Saturday and family time was actually helpng me feel better. and Also, while I was away from home, I missed my cat, Shadow, so much. So, I've barely been on my laptop. but! I have more time this week. No dance at all. Dance spring break is this week. And I didn't go to school today because I felt so sick because of these damn cramps. -_- Well, thank you for reading! I hope you liked it. This chapter was kind of boring, so sorry. But, hey! How about Kaitlyn's dad?? I wish my dad were like that! Kaitlyn is 18 dating a 23 year old, yet my mom is freaking out because I'm 18 and talking to a 21 year old. C'mon man! Lol.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of this and the next chapter will be up as soon as I can! :)


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