Part of Your World (Siren Levi x Reader AU)

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You twiddled your thumbs, trying to put your desire into words. "When I come...don't hide. Sit with me. Talk with me...please."

To your surprise, Levi reached up and took your hand in his. "I will," he vowed.


Several months later, you were lying on your side in the sand, humming a lullaby. Levi was lying next to you, his tail still in the water, his arm around your waist.

Both of you had kept your promises. With each passing night, you had grown closer, and closer, until you realized that you had fallen in love. It didn't matter that you were a human and he was a siren. You had given your hearts to each other, completely and irrevocably.

You finished the song, and Levi pressed a tender kiss to your lips. "Thank you," he murmured.

You blushed, but didn't look away. Every time you sang, Levi seemed mesmerized, as if your voice truly was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. You found it hard to believe, given that he lived among sirens, and that he was a siren himself. But still, he insisted.

"Will you sing for me?" you asked, not for the first time.

Levi's gaze fell. "You know I can't do that, (f/n)."

"Why not? I know you're not going to hurt me, Levi. I trust you."

Levi sat up. "It's late," he mumbled. "I should go."

"I wish I could go with you," you replied, sitting up to face him. You looked so sincere that Levi's breath caught. "I wish we could truly be together."

Levi sighed, stroking his fingers down your back. "You don't know what you're saying –"

"I do," you stated.

"You'd become a monster?" he asked as his expression darkened.

"You're not a monster, Levi," you assured him, taking his face in your hands. "Not to me."

"I've killed humans. And I've enjoyed it."

"I don't care," you told him truthfully. "I don't care what you've done. I love you, Levi. And I've never felt safer than I do right here, in your arms."

His brow furrowed as he looked at you, seeming to debate something with himself. "Well, there is a make you like me."

You gasped. "Really?"

Levi nodded, almost regretfully. "The only one with the power to turn you is our king. My uncle."

"Your uncle?" You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your throat. "You never told me you were royalty, Prince Levi."

"It never came up, brat," he growled. "Now stop. This is serious. If I take you to my uncle, there's a good chance he'll kill you."

Your expression became grave. "I'll take that chance. I mean it, Levi. I want to be like you."

Levi held your stare for a long time. "I was afraid you'd say that," he muttered with sadness in his eyes. "Is there really no way for me to change your mind?"

"No," you said gently, brushing your fingers across his cheek. "I want this, Levi. I want you."

He reached up to cradle your hand in his own. "I want you too, (f/n). I just wish it didn't have to come to this."


You held tightly to Levi while he swam through the water, faster than any ship or fish you had ever seen. Every minute or two, he pressed his mouth to yours, giving you oxygen as you journeyed deeper and deeper into the sea.

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