Chapter 1- What we do for our bestfriends

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Vanessa's pov: "Omg! Can you believe it Vanessa tommorow is the day we've been waiting for years, graduation day!". Presley ,my best friend was very excited about graduation while i wasnt really happy at all.In fact i was a little afraid of leaving home to LA starting a life of my own without my parents. "I cant wait to party at night and do what ever i want without asking permission" she said. Moments like this i thought why are we even best friends when we're completely different? She is a rebel girl who likes to party and isnt really into studying and having a good reputation. She always asks me to go to clubs with her but i usually dont go since she always disapears with a random guy and i really dont enjoy getting asked to dance by drunk dudes. "Yeah of course ill take my beautiful friend Vanessa!" i stared at Presley looking confused as she hang up the phone. "Vanessa we're going to a club tomorrow night after graduation! It will be great and i even got you a date!" I looked at her annoyed,how am i going on a date with someone i dont even know ,what if he's a drug attic or has this terrible personality. I always think the worse of situations like this and besides i didnt wanna stay up all night at a club filled with drunks who are just waiting to get a dumb girl to their bed. "PLEASE VANESSA YOU'RE MY BESTFRIEND AND I WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU AFTER OUR GRADUATION!" presley said making a pleading face and grabbing my arm. "Fine" i said still not sure if i made the best decision,but she is my bestfriend and i cant let her down. Presley had a huge smile on her face and suddenly i was wrapped in her arms."THANK YOU SO MUCH!! YOU WONT REGRET IT VANESSA WE WILL HAVE THE BEST TIME OF OUR LIVES!" I half smiled and nodded. There was a knock on my bedroom door and i said "come in" , my mom came to tell presley that her parents came for her. Presley quickly got her things ready telling both my mom and i goodbye and left leaving me thinking "i wonder whose the guy she set me up with"?

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