Chapter 16: The Beginning of the Flash (Pilot)

Start from the beginning

"Both became weather based metas. Joe killed Clyde. And Mark became 'Weather Wizard' as we dubbed him. I think he's sitting in Iron Heights still, but he was once a part of Mick and Snart's team - the Rogues," Barry continued.

"The Rogues?" Blaine asked, internally excited.

"A group of criminals who wanted to steal stuff and I guess get on my bad side," Barry answered.

"Leonard Snart or Cold was the leader and at first it was me and him. And then it was me, him, and Lisa, his sister. And then there others like Mardon and Axel Walker who came and went," Mick explained. "It got disbanded when Snart and I got kidnapped by the English Man and joined these losers."

"Thanks Mick," Sara muttered.

"Whatever Blondie," Mick replied gruffly.

"Blondie?" Quinn asked.

"When Mick gives you a nickname, it means he likes you," Ray explained. "Kendra and Carter were the Feathered Chicken People."

"Hey, it's better than Skirt," Kara grumbled and Alex, Winn, and James laughed at Kara's distaste.

"What happened to Snart?" Blaine asked and most of the Legends who knew him visibly grimaced or flinched.

"He died. He sacrificed himself so the others could live," Barry answered after a moment of silence.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry," Blaine gasped.

"It's fine, you didn't know," Sara replied softly as Ava stroked her hair comfortingly.

"He might've been a criminal and he might not have wanted to be a hero, but he died that way. He died a hero, a legend," Mick continued.

The other Legends, especially Ray, Jax, and Stein agreed as the others had only known him to be a part of the Legion of Doom.

"What do we got?" Captain Singh asks the pair.

"Perps took the bank, shot out the cameras, and as a chaser, killed the security guard over there," Joe responds, handing Captain Singh two photos, one of each Mardon Brother, before nodding towards the body of the dead security guard covered in yellow tarp. "I've got unis kicking in doors on known Mardon Brothers associates."

"CSI been over it?" Captain Singh asks.

"Uh, no," Joe responds, looking down.

"Where's Allen?" Captain Singh asks looking up after sighing.

The scene transitions again to Barry running down the street, again bumping into people and hurriedly apologizing.

"You can't keep covering for him," Singh tells Joe as Barry runs up.

"Well now it all makes sense," Captain Singh sighed, "the tardiness, the excuses, leaving unexpectedly, everything else."

"Yeah, being the Flash pretty much covers all of that," Barry sighed.

"CSI, CSI coming through," Barry says in the background, heading towards the trio.

"If he's not here now, I'm gonna have to carry on this investigation without him," Singh tells Joe as Barry comes running up.

"Sorry I'm late, Captain Singh," Barry apologizes, out of breath.

"What was it this time, Mr. Allen? Did you forget to set your alarm clock?" Captain Singh asks as Barry shakes his head. "Before you answer, I should remind you the excuse you gave last time was car trouble." Barry nods and sighs. "Want to know why that one was particularly memorable?"

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