Chapter 2

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Y/N: well * presses the that was easy button *

Y/N: anyways I am going to bed because I am bored lets see what is in store for use tomorrow


you are in professor goodwitch class which is a combat class right now jaune is basicly getting pummled

Jaune: over my deadbo-

jaune get hit with his weapon and loses because his aura level was red and because of the Vytal Feastivel

TIMESKIP ( because I don't feel like writing her speech)

Cadian: hey I want to fight him * he points at you *

Y/N: alright prepare to be curb stomped

you prepare in the changing room and come out into the arena to fight dickhead. you get into a stance to end this quickly

Ms.Goodwitch: 3...2...1...Go

you wait for him to make the first move and he rushes you at full speed he is about to hit you but you use kamui to seem you let you hit you but it goes right though you and you disappear then reappear behind him sweep him then procced to curb stomp him

Y/N: what did I say I was going to do. curb stomp ya

Ms.Goodwitch: Y/N wins the match

Y/N: and * go to the button * I am going back to the my dorm to go to sleep good bye

(Male Sharingan and Rinnagan User) x  RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now