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[Hello I am Y/N. My sembalnce called Justu and My brother does have this to but for my family we have a hidden abilty called the Sharingan but for me I have the sharingan and the rinnegan that I got from the Sage of Six Paths. But you might be saying where did you come well I come from a island west of Vacuo called Island of Ninja. I come from The Land of Fire but once The Fouth Great Shinobi War I decided to go to Vale and now that we are here lets countinue with the story.]

Y/N: I see the sign. Dust until Dawn a intreasting name for a store

you see a criminalgo though the window of the store and you see a girl in red jump though the window. And you see a group of criminals and there leader exit the store

Leader: what are you doing stop looking around attack them

you take out your katana and activate your sharingan and block a flury of bullets and knock out a couple of them and you look to your right to see that the girl in red was doing just fine then see that she just finsh the last one.

Leader: well it was nice knowing you. Red and Shinobi but this is your end.

he fires a bullet from the bottom of his cane

( author he Sasuke aka you knows wood style alright now back to the story)

Y/N: Wood Style,Wood Wall

you blocked the bullet like it was nothing as you see the leader climb up the lader and the girl in red ask the owner if we could chase after him and he said yes the girl red start to climd the lader but you use the feather body flicker technique to quickly get there and you use your susanoo ribcage with a arm and smash him into the gound multiply times


the leader is knock out cold and then a huntress showes up and says

huntress: you to are coming with me.

you go with her to a intoregation room


You are sitting in the bullhead waiting to arrive at Beacon and you see the girl from last night

Y/N:(if I am correct I think her name is Ruby)

Then you see her and you guessing her sister walk up to you

Yang: Hello my name is Yang and I want to thank you handsome~~. For saving my sister

Ruby: YANG

Yang: sorry

Y/N: no its fine and I will take that thanks

you see that the bullhead has landed and you see a boy running to the trash can

Ruby: guess the view is not for everbody


Yang: ew ew ew ew ew get it off get it off


You and Ruby walk around but she trips over some ones luggage and it appers to be a Schee your least favoite family

Wiess:you dunce look at what you have done now everything is a mess

Ruby: I'm sorry

Wiess: shutup

Y/N: oi back off she said she was sorry. come on Ruby lets go

Ruby: ok

you two start to walk and ya'll bump into somebody

Ruby: hey its vomit boy

Jaune: hey thats not my name it is Jaune Arc short and sweet women love it

Both: do they

Jaune: well I hope so


Ruby: well i got this. (pulls out her scythe) its all so a sniper

Jaune: Well I got this sword and shield it can be smaller

Ruby: doesn't it weight the same

Y/N: I just have a katana does anbody know where the audatorium is

Both: we were following you

after looking for a couple of minutes ya'll found the audatorium


you are out side training for the test

Y/N: Hopefully you all are watching me cause I am doing this for you



(Male Sharingan and Rinnagan User) x  RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now