Soft kisses.

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Debbies POV

I felt like total shit after everything that had just happened but I had had a few hours sleep so I felt a little better and more sober. With Lou by my side, I felt like I had the whole world with me. I had only known her a few days but it felt like I had known her forever.

"I'm so sorry for earlier, I really don't know what came over me, i wasn't thinking. I totally understand if you don't want to forgive me." i was rambling.

"Debbie, it's okay. You don't need to apologise." She smiled. "Sure I was mad but Tammy explained stuff to me so now I'm not mad. I understand and it was dumb of me to have reacted the way I did. So I deserve to say this: I'm sorry." I nodded at her and smiled weakly, still feeling a little bit woozy from the alcohol.

I stood up, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water and some tablets to make me feel less sick. I don't know why I did what I did but I was dumb and did it anyway. We've just met and I kind of expected just a one night stand and not me helping her against her husband and her getting pissed at me for kissing Tammy. Me being drunk I might add. Were we supposed to meet? Was I supposed to help her? Maybe I was. Maybe it was fate.

Feeling hands on my back, I jumped, realising that I had zoned out and been crying.

"S-sorry I don't know why I'm crying" I mumbled, chuckling slightly as I looked at her. "It's fine hun, no need to apologise." She said as she stretched and yawned.

"I know this might seem a little stupid to say, because of everything that happened in such a small amount of time, but do you reckon we could take it a little slower, since we hardly know each other and I've already saved you from you ex husband, had kind of sex with you, embarrassed myself in front of you AND your children, gotten myself upset over you and got drunk at 1 in the afternoon and made you angry. Which I'm also going to apologise again for..." I rambled on at her in a frenzy, suddenly getting embarrassed.

"Of course we can" she beamed with a smile. "Let's pretend this never happened and move on yeah?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah let's move on," I laughed.


A few hours had passed and we had talked and watched movies for hours and got to know each other better after the hectic situation that had happened.

"So, where are the kids tonight?" I questioned her. "Oh, they're at their grandparents house for the night" she replied with a sigh, running her hand through her short blonde hair. I smiled at her, pouring myself another small glass of wine. I decided to not drink too much, after today, so I was only on my second glass through the whole night, whereas lou was on her god-knows-which- number-she-was-on shot. I laughed at her and her high tolerance for alcohol.

"What are you laughing at?" she questioned, very clearly a little tipsy, but not drunk. "You, Im laughing at you, and the fact you've had at least 20 shots and you're only tipsy..." I looked at her with a smirk on my lips and she rolled her eyes, jabbing me in my right arm.

"You know I used to own a club right? That's why my tolerance is high and I don't get drunk as fast." She looked at me with a cocky smile. "Wow. You really are a woman of many talents, aren't you?" I giggled. "Yeah, yeah I am I guess." She smiled, letting out a "hmm."

This was a good night. I'd like to have more nights like this, especially with her... Lou is great and I'm glad I met her.

**authors note** hey besties, sorry for the short & the late update, i know a lot of you have been wanting one but i've been super busy but i'm gonna try update more!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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