Going back

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I stopped, my brown hair sticking to my wet face. I breathed, letting out a large sigh. I wiped my face, letting out a sound that was a bit like a laugh and a scoff and turned to see if the blonde haired woman was still there.

She was still there. She was stood graciously leant against her car looking around with her hand in her hair brushing it back.

The rain pelted against the ground making it hard to hear things. I mustered up the strength to shout "I'm sorry!"

She looked up and smirked at me lighting a cigarette I started walking towards her and laughed again. She took a puff of her cigarette and offered me a puff. I shook my head refusing. "You look more of a mess than you did earlier, are you sure you don't want a puff" her voice sexually excited me so I gave in. I took a drag and grinned at the feeling it gave Me.

The feeling I got the time I took my first drag.

I went to give it back to her but her response was "nah you can finish it you literally look like you need it"

I smiled at her, my vagina throbbing at the way she was making me feel. "I'm Debbie by the way" I informed her.

"I know who you are. You're Danny Oceans sister, you're both criminals" she put her head down and stubbed out the tab end of the cigarette. "Oh is that so? If I'm a criminal why are you talking to me? And why haven't you told me your name?" I retorted

"Well that's easy to answer, you look sexy, you're gorgeous, and I want to get to know you." She looked away embarrassed.

Thunder crashed and echoed through the night sky and a flash of lightning lit up the night.

Me, being the scardey cat I am, jumped out of my skin. "For fucks sake" I shook my head and we both laughed.

"Come on, get in" she nodded towards the car and we both got in. Before we set off she cupped my face, her eyes glittering as she bit her lip, leant in and kissed me.

[idk what this chapter is but ?? ??]

Falling for Lou MillerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang