⚜️LET 1 : General Education Part 3⚜️

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General Education Part 3 Licensure Reviewer.

21 . When a gardener propagates a plant by taking cuttings, he plants his cutting in a well-watered soil in a plant pot. What is the most likely reason why he may then cover the plant and pot with a lightly perforated polythene bag?
A . To reduce the water demand of the cutting
B . To decrease the rate of gaseous exchange by the plant.
C . To reduce the chance of attack by pets
D . To protect the plant from cold weather

22 . Which of the following factors contribbute to an increase in human population?

I Immigration
II Emigration
III Natality
IV Mortality

A . III and IV
B . II and III
C . I only
D . I and III

23 . Which of the following shows mechanical weathering of rocks?
A . Formation of caverns
B . Trade wind and Easterlies
C . Southwest and Northwest
D . Westerlies and Easterlies

24 . A fog is a cloud with its base at or very near the ground. The formation of fog generally occurs after the ground lost heat by :
A . Evaporation
B . Convection
C . Conduction
D . Radiation

25 . if a voltage of 100 volts produces a current of 5 amperes in an electrical device, what is the resistance?
A . 95 ohms
B . 20 ohms
C . 105 ohms
D . 500 ohms

26 . Comparing the speed of sounds in liquids, gases and solids, the speed of sounds is usually lowest in _______ and highest in______.
A . Solids, Gases
B . Gases, Liquids
C . Liquids, Solids
D . Gases, solids

27 . The term that refers to the class of Filipino who were free and independent
A . Timawa
B . Maharlika
C . Aliping namamahay
D . Aliping saguiguilid

28 . The Third and last military government of the Philippines was
A . Gen. Merritt
B . Gen . Elwel Otis
C . Arthur McArthur
D . Gen . Douglas McArthur

29 . Which economic system is based on free enterprise?
A . Globalism
B . Mixed Economies
C . Capitalism
D . Communism

30 . Which is a safeguard against unfair trade practices like short weighing?
A . Total Quality Movement
B . Consumerism
C . Consumer vigilance
D . Substandardization

LET reviewer GenEd and ProfEdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon