"Plagg!" Adrianna shouted in frustration.

Plagg started to whine in a high pitch tone, "Kid, you're losing me here! Do you know where my cheese is?"

"I'm talking about me and my feelings Plagg," Adrianna sighed in frustration.

"Ugh again!" Plagg says sarcastically as he floated towards her, "When do they stop?!"

"I'm going to tell him that I know the truth," Adrianna clarified.

"Wait, what?" Plagg replied as he paid attention but immediately assume that it was that she knew Misterbug was Marin.

"He has to know that I know," Adrianna stated as she sat up.

"uh kid, you sure? Maybe he wanted it to be a secret," Plagg commented nervously.

"But I love him and I can't accept that he is with Luna," Adrianna admitted but not too proud that she might hurt Luna's feelings.

Plagg was already sweating but was immediately confused by Luna's name, "Wait! What?"

"Plagg, "Adrianna whined, "Are you listening? Your acting weird."

"Oh of course," Plagg says exaggeratedly as he went to sit on her head, "Look kid it a tough break. Look bad things happen like my lost cheese," Plagg states then mumble under his breath, "and like this dumb love square."

"Huh?" Adrianna asked as she couldn't hear what he was mumbling.

"Forget it," Plagg states as he flew to her face, "Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it."

"That's not true," Adrianna argues, "me and Mister Bug always save the day whenever Hawkmoth lurks his head. And you find your cheese."

"Uh-huh, what about you rejecting Marin after all these years?" Plagg questioned.

"Hey! I didn't know!" Adrianna argues as she then thought back every moment she had with Marin and how they always had each other backs, "I guess in the past I might have had hurt his feelings. Then for me to jump on him with my feelings... maybe I can't do anything about it now. He is with Luna."

Plagg gave her an eye roll, "And she runs away from the problem," Plagg stated as he threw a beaded scrunchy at her head.

"Hey! Plagg what was that for?" Adrianna says as she began to rub her head where the scrunchy hit her head.

"The past can hurt. But the way I see it, You can either run from it or learn from it. I prefer running so your all good to go," Plagg snickered as he finally got a whiff of his cheese under her bed.

"Learn from it?" Adrianna asked.

"Yeah, some crazy monkey advice. Your repeating Maria choices who ran from telling his feelings towards you and now he moved on too. See running away is good."

"Marin," Adrianna corrected him as she thinks about what Plagg said as she smiled, "I'll do it. Oh Plagg, thanks!" Adrianna says as she pulled him to kiss him on his forehead.

"Ahh! Kid!" Plagg squealed, "This is what happens if I don't get my cheese. I become delusional and help!"

"Aww, Plagg don't be so sour," Adrianna smiled as she got up to see her phone.

"So when are you going to talk to him?" Plagg asked.

"At the next study date," Adrianna smiled.


They sat at the crow of Luna's ship as the star sparkled in the sky. The party was over and Luna and Marin were left. Marin looks at Luna as she leaned on his chest while looking at the view. All evening he was trying the best wat to tell her but Tikki subconscious voice questioned it. Marin looks at how peaceful she was as she can never do any harm. She always supported him and he did the same. She leaned on him she played with a couple of chords

"Luna," Marin gulped as he says as he pulled her close.

"Yeah," she says as she snuggled up at him.

"Wow, your eyes shine like sapphires," Marin said as he couldn't breathe before chuckling, "Pretty corny huh?

Luna smiled gently, "Not at all."

"Uh, Luna I wanted to tell you something," Marin nervously states.

"Yes, Marin."

"I... I.. love you," Marin stated, however, he felt differently when he said it.

"I love you too Marin," Luna smiled as she noticed that he was nervous from stating his feelings.

Marin smiled in relief as he leaned in and planted his lips against her. Luna's eyes widen when she felt his lips against hers. Marin was confused now as if he didn't feel it was right but for once Adrianna was not on his mind.


"Marin I'm in love with you," Adrianna admitted.

Marin turned, feelings that he had to ignore for weeks as it surging through him, and something was building to an explosion. Feelings he couldn't... wouldn't allow starting again. He wouldn't let those feeling tear him apart anymore. He walked off from the lockers and called for him.

Adrianna went after him, "Marin?"

He stopped, turned, and looked back at Adrianna, "No." His voice wasn't flat, it had bitten in it. "I-I... For years..." he couldn't get her mind to form the words he wanted to yell at her.

Adrianna just stared at him, "Look I can't ignore how I feel."

"You ignored how I felt... you were too blind to see it and now I'm supposed to care? No, it doesn't work that way." That something that was building inside got bigger. He didn't yell, he didn't need to, his voice was low.

Adrianna's emotions started to engage. When did her heart start beating faster? When did the tears start, messing up her makeup?"I'm sorry."

"Look I don't need you to mess up my life," Marin argues, "I was in love with you but I was only just a friend."

"I didn't... I didn't know." She said, she sounded truthful... of course, she was being truthful she never had lied before, why should she now?

"You are an idiot." Marin states, "I moved on...."

*beep beep*

Adrianna woke up in instant in a cold sweat. She looks around that she was in her breath unable to breathe.

Plagg yawned awake, "Hey you okay?"

Adrianna breathes heavily until she was able to control her breath, "Yeah just a nightmare."

"The best kind of dreams," Plagg smiled as he floated to stretch, "You faced the worse that could of happen."

"Yup," Adrianna agreed as she recalled the nightmare, "It was only a dream."

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