Kit Fitzgerald

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"who do you think the killer is??" Jack chuckled as he ate the slice of pizza.

"You tell me you're the one who got attacked" Matteo chuckled.

"He was wearing a mask asshole!" Jack chuckled.

"A smiley mask??" I asked.

"White smiley mask" Jack sighed.

"Maybe it's Caleb" Matteo sighed.

"Why would it be Caleb??" Jack asked.

"because if the killer is looking justice for Marcus then it's clearly Caleb" Matteo sighed.

"You really believe this??" Jack asked me.

"I.. I don't know what to believe anymore Jack" I sighed.

"It can't be Caleb.. It's gonna be too obvious!" Jack frowned.

"Actually it can be Caleb..  Cathy only sent those nudes to him and he's Marcus's cousin so it can be him" I sighed.

"as I've said.. It's gonna be too obvious" Jack frowned.

"So does Marcus remember?? He displayed so many obvious traits yet people ignored it because it's too obvious" Matteo frowned.

"How do you even know about that you weren't there" Jack frowned.

"Okay this shit got super serious" I chuckled.

"It is serious" Jack frowned.

"Okay jeez" I sighed.

"Our friends are dying and we can't let him kill another person" Matteo sighed.

"What are we gonna do??" I asked.

"Haze him..  Make him confess" Matteo looked at us seriously.

"Haze him?? For fuck's sake he's our friend Matteo! We can't betray him! " Jack frowned.

"Friend?? He already betrayed us by killing us one by one don't you get that??" Matteo frowned.

"I still don't get why it's Caleb" Jack shook his head.

"Because if Marcus is crazy then he can be crazy! Psychopathy can also be inherited through genes" Matteo sighed.

"I'm in.. What should we do" I asked.

"Tomorrow night.. After the game..  We will wait together outside and confront him and we're gonna scare him" Matteo grinned.

"Let's do it.. Are you in??" I asked Jack.
"Fine.. But we're not gonna hurt Caleb okay?" Jack frowned.

"Deal" Matteo smiled.

"Okay let's do this" Jack sighed as he took one last piece of pizza.


The bell rang and we got to our first class.

We're all a little sleepy because of what happened last night.

I looked left and saw Matteo taking with Jaime..

It took me by surprise when Margox sat beside me and smiled.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hey" I smiled back.

I looked at her and she acted very suspicious.

"Are you okay??" I asked.

"Yeah" She smiled.

"Are you sure?? You don't look okay" I sighed.

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