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Growing up I always had the same dream. I ran through trees their branches tearing at my skin like hands trying to stop me my bare feet crunching over the dead and decaying fallen leaves. For the Longest time  I was never sure if I was running toward something or away from something, only that my pace was desperate, my breaths a harsh sound that echoed in my ears. And my heart pumping as fast as a racehorse on the road, on the edge of exploding in my chest, blood rushing over my eyes and in my ears.

It wasn't until I grew older that the dream  started to evolve more my brain allowing the scene to continue before breaking off.

I was running. Sprinting tearing away from whatever was chasing me, propelling myself toward arms that I knew would be waiting for me. And they would be, they would catch me and I would be safe. The adrenaline could stop pumping and my heart could slow, only if I could reach those arms. You're almost there, a voice hissed? from the darkness, soft and unfamiliar. You're Almost there. You're almost there.

Almost there. I just had to-

The dream always ended there with the unknown tugging at my mind. I just had to what?  What did I have to do? And what was pursuing me so desperately?

Perhaps One day I'd find out if only my surroundings changed.

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