Chapter 3

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Thankfully we were never left alone—I always had my handmaid, Charlotte, at my side—but one day there would be no chaperons, no handmaids. In only a month's time, my life would drastically change. In only a month's time, I was signing my soul over to a man who only wanted me for my crown. Mother always used to say that princesses cannot afford to marry for love. I'm not sure I even knew what love was. Mother always used to say that princesses cannot afford to marry for love. I'm not sure I even knew what love was.Without preamble, the prince rounded the corner. He wasn't a very tall man, Prince Rainier. He was my height when I wore no shoes, and his red hair was a thin band around the sides of his head. His lips were two thin strips on his face, and were almost alwayspressed downwards in a scowl. He walked with a limp on his right leg, and carried a cane to lessen his weight on it. 

When he approached the King and l, he bowed at the waist. Not as deep as the crier. 'Your Majesty," headdressed Father with a voice that shook, confidence lacking in every movement he made. And when he spoke to me, he didn't look me in the eye. "Princess Dahlia. My, you've grown lovelier since my last visit." Though his words were kind, they made my stomach turn with a feeling of heavy dread. I felt so deeply sick to my soul when he spoke to me, and a despair so thick washed over my skin. But I felt Father's eyes on me, a silent warning for me to behave. 'You're too kind, Prince Rainier." His thin lips fluttered up for a moment, his reaction a trying smile, and he tucked his hands behind his back. "l was hoping you'd reconsider waiting a month, Your Majesty," he spoke to my father. "l do not seethe point in waiting." King Demir tilted his head at the prince, though his voice held amusement. "Princess Dahlia is not yet eighteen, Prince Rainier. In a month, her birthday will pass, her studies will be completed, and she will be much more suitable as your wife." As your wife. Not as a queen. That was who I was going to become once this was over. A queen whosetitled would be stripped by the men in her life. 

Suffocating. I was suffocating.

"l understand, Your Majesty. I was only hoping you'd reconsider." Prince Rainier's eyebrows pulled closer together on his face as he thought, reaching up and scratching his nose. "Perhaps, King Demir, might I ask for a carriage ride with your daughter? "Father said, "Under supervision, of course."


Author's Note: Hey!!! It's been a good few months :)

but i am back!!!! I plan on writing more and i have a fanfic coming soon!!!!

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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