Chapter 21: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [3]

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Chapter 21: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [3]


I'm still at the rampart with Granger, sitting above, we stopped playing the violin a while ago and we decided to gaze at the stars, none of us talked. Looking down, there I saw the crowd getting louder with the smile plastered on their faces.

I glanced at him, and he was staring at the illuminated sky, with lots of stars that shines above. I don'twant to feel awkward, so I tried to have a conversation with him, "You know what, I feel happy when I heard you played beautifully," I said as I looked down, and flatly smiled.

His crimson eyes were shining in the dark, he gave me a cold look, "No one has ever heard me played like this, not even my parents." Then I noticed his gloomy vibe, and sadness was visible in his eyes. I looked down, "I-I'm sorry," I mumbled.

He then took a deep breath, "Don't be, Miss Vance. My parents died when I was young," He said in a deep voice, and looked down.

"Oh, but how...?" I asked as I took a glance at him, "They were killed... by the demons," I can sense the sadness in his voice. The thought of his parents getting killed by the demons... was really sad, and sorrowful. Poor Granger, my deepest sympathy to you, dear.

 I moved closer to him and patted his back, he gave me his usual cold stare, and I beamed at him.

"Oh," It's all I can say, I found his backstory relatable, but my parents were assassinated. I took a deep breath and gazed at the night sky, "I learned to play violin when they sent me to Monastery of Light, and to be a demon hunter, is my choice." He said as he cocked his head to the left.

"By the way, Fanny told me your parents were assassinated by the rival family, right?" I froze and looked at him wide-eyed.

"I-I still don't know the reason why they did that to my family, in my biological family, I was the only one left. Then, the Vance family adopted me, but years passed by, they got assassinated by their rival family." I said as I felt my voice crack, and my throat getting dry, as my memories were flashing back in my mind. I shook my head to get off the thoughts that would make me feel sad.

"Miss Vance, looks like we both have scars from the past, eh? History repeats itself," Said Granger, which made me chuckle light-heartedly, "Yeah," I answered as I held the violin closer to my chest and took a deep breath.

"By the way, how's your little brother?" He asked. Oh, yeah... I almost forgot about Harley, my little brother, and a troublemaker.

I wonder what he's doing right now?

"I sent him to Magic Academy, for good," I answered as I looked down and let out a heavy sigh and yawned, as I feel sleepy right now. But my ears rang and my eyes widen as I heard someone yell really loud!


As I looked down to see who yelled, it was none other than Fanny! She was walking along with Princess Silvanna, Prince Aurelius, Guinevere, Gusion and his brothers, and the other chevaliers. They're walking past the castle gates, heading to the village. I can't see Miya and Estes, maybe they stayed inside the palace.

Then, an idea came into my mind, this is gonna be so great!

I softly poked his arm with my elbow, "Let's go join them," I said as I flashed a smile at him, he slowly shook his head and said, "No, I'm not coming."

||ON HIATUS|| Enigmatic Love [MLBB Fanfic: A Love Story Of Granger and Lesley]Where stories live. Discover now