Chapter 15: Going Home

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Chapter 15: Going Home



Ah, my childhood memories... they're still vivid. As I remember those, it made me felt like I'm facing my nightmares once again.

I then looked down, and holding myself back from crying. There was George, who was still staring at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, his lips curved into a frown,

"I'm... so sorry," He muttered as he moved closer to me.

He slowly spread his arms wider and I realized that he was about to embrace me. He was about to hug me when someone faked a cough, that made us flinched, and I hastily wear my eyepatch.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that George rolled his eyes, "Sorry to interrupt guys," Said a voice from behind.

As we turned around to see who it was,

It was Gusion.

"No, it's alright." Said George as he stood up from the stool and walked towards Gusion, and patted his shoulders. "Don't worry, I'm only having fun with her playing the grand piano over there. I shall leave," He added as he left the music room.

I thought that George really left, as he peeked through the curtain and smiled at me, which made me blushed, and smiled back.

Gusion gave me a look of confusion, "What are you doing here with my brother earlier?" He asked.

I looked at him nonchalantly and shrugged my shoulders, "We're just playing Beethoven's sonata," I answered, and I saw him squinting his eyes, and it seems that he's not satisfied with my answer.

"Which one?" He asked as he went closer to me.

The rays of light from the window pane hits his bluish-gray orb that shines through the darkness, and as I glanced through the window pane, the rain has stopped.

Looks like I need to go home now...

"His first movement of Moonlight Sonata," I answered, which made him pouted and heaved a sigh.

"You should've called me to play with you instead of George," Then again, he pouted, which made me snorted, and I found it cute.

Wait, is he jealous?

Nah, it's way too impossible.

"Well, I don't know where you are and your whereabouts," I shrugged my shoulders and stood up from the stool.

My heart starts to beat crazily as he went closer to me, and at the same time, I feel uneasy... because of Gusion leaning closer to me, and it made me blush furiously.

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