Chapter 19: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [1]

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Chapter 19: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [1]

Third Person

"A-ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS, MISS VANCE?" Granger stuttered as he looked at Lesley wide-eyed, while this daredevil woman who was smirking and laughing at the Death Chanter's reaction.

"Hell yeah, I am!" Said Lesley as she was walking towards the snowy mountain near the Moniyan Palace. Lesley was the mastermind of this idea. They were going to ride on a sled down the mountain and bump onto the large wall of snow that they made.

And there was Granger, who had the rope, and it was attached to the large sled he was pulling. "This is one heck of a ride!" Said Fanny as she was hopping, and giggling like a kid beside Lesley.

"I-I don't think this is a good ide—"

"Shush, Estes! All we have to do is to enjoy! You need to get out of your shell, you know?" Miya cut him off which made everyone laughed.

"Don't worry, Harley and I were used to do this at midnight every Winter Festival." Lesley said as she giggled as she rested her arm on Fanny's shoulders while walking, and Fanny did the same and giggled with her too.

Lesley flinched a little when someone poked her shoulders, only to find out it was Guinevere! Guinevere looked at Lesley shyly, "May I join?" Said the curly-haired woman with a british accent, wearing a beautiful violet gown.

Guinevere averted her gaze, then Lesley gave her a look, and beamed at her, "Sure!" Guinevere's face brightened as she happily rested her left arm of Lesley's shoulder. Lesley did the same as she placed her right arm on Guinevere's shoulder.

Lesley was in between Fanny and Guinevere, the three girls giggled and walked like crazy psychos while swaying from left to right, and vice versa. The other chevaliers laughed at their craziness as the trio walked like a drunkard.

"By the way, where's your brother?" Fanny asked Guinevere while their arms was still placed on each other's shoulders, Guinevere chuckled and answered,

"He was busy curling his hair, he'll come later."

Lesley and Fanny giggled, the thought of all the people enjoying the festival, while Guinevere's brother was busy curling his hair was really funny. "Looks like someone's trying to look handsome," Fanny joked that made Guinevere rolled her eyes.

"Oh, dear! My brother is a self-proclaimed handsome man," Said Guinevere and grimaced, which made them laughed. While Prince Aurelius III, Gusion and the chevalier men... they're only watching at the trio.

"This would be fun!" Fanny exclaimed as she raised her fist in the air, then Princess Silvanna chuckled at Fanny's excitement.

"I cannot wait to try it out, my dear chevaliers!" Princess Silvanna agreed as she held his brother's shoulder. The prince chuckled at his sister's bubbliness.

"But it's dark, Princess Silvanna," Said Alucard as he pouted, which made the other chevaliers laughed, also the princess who giggled heartily.

"I can handle this," Said the princess as she raised the lance she had. She whispered the words which made her lance glowed like a beacon towards the sky. Seconds passed the sky glowed which made Lesley, Prince Aurelius III, Miya, Estes, Gusion, Guinevere, and the chevaliers surprised.

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