Unmasked pt 3

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Hey guys! This is chapter 7? I think.
So, recently I've been watching Avatar: The last airbender. A bit... too much actually.... anyways I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a crossover between Pj masks and avatar: the last airbender. It would be interesting, I already have ideas. Anyways if you wanna see it just comment and tell me. Ok on with the story!

"Cameron?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Connor asked.

"Y-your the the the the....... you have Super powers?! I can't believe it! I got it all on camera! I'll be famous!"

"Yeah no kidding." Greg snarled.

"Can you do us a favour and not post this online? And not tell anyone?" Amaya asked.

"Are you kidding?! No way! If I post this I'll be famous! Why would I not post it?"

"Well it's going get real bad if you post it."

"How bad can it be?"

"Like whole city bad!" Greg answered.

"It's can't be that bad, fame here I come!" With that Cameron ran home to post the video, and the normal Pj masks couldn't do anything to stop him. They could only hope he'd change his mind, but knowing Cameron, whatever he says is final, end of story.

"Where is Diego?!!" F,Romeo asked.

"Your too late." The unmasked Pj masks turned around to face F,Romeo.

"No, Diego found out?" F,Catboy asked them.

"I guess we'll go with plan B." F,Luna Girl said.

"Plan B?" Greg asked.

"Yes. We've known that your identities would be revealed any day now, although there might be a possibility that your identities will never be revealed, we made a backup plan just in case." F,Night Ninja continued, "And that's plan B!"

"Good to know.... so what exactly is plan B?" Amaya needed answers, this instant.

"Plan B is giving you the powers without those old fashioned suits."

"These are not old fashioned! Besides how are you going to give us the powers without the suits?"

"Oh, I've been working on a machine to give you powers. Let's get inside first, the machine in inside, safe from Diego."

They all ran inside as fast a possible. They did not know what time it was, for all they knew, the sun could rise any moment now.

When they went in HQ, F,Romeo started pressing different buttons on the picture player. A machine came out from the floor, it was huge! It was all most the size of the Pj crystal.

"We can combine you with your suit in a way as the Pj crystal is the one that give you your powers." F,Romeo said typing on the machine.

"Ok it's powered up! Get ready.

It looked like a giant vacuum, it started absorbing the Pj crystal's powers and have it shoot back to each of the Pj masks. The lights blinded everyone. After the lights subsided, the Pj masks had their superpowers back, but no suit.

"So where is our suits now?" Catboy asked.

"You won't have one anymore. But if you really miss the suit I can make one."

"No it's fine."

"Good less work for me. You guys should get home now. We'll continue our search for Diego again tomorrow."

The pj masks agreed and went home while the future versions stayed in the headquarters.


Hey guys, I'm sorry that this is such a short chapter and the following chapters after this is probably going to be just as short if not shorter, but I'm working on another fanfiction and I'll post the fanfiction when I'm done with it. It's about avatar that's all I can say. Not only do I have another fanfiction to write, I have school and all it's torturous perks.

I do not own Pj masks it belongs to FrogBox and Disney Junior.

See you guys in the next one! Don't worry it will come out when I feel like it.

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