Unmasked pt 1

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The next morning Connor, Greg and Amaya met up while walking to school. They were casually talking when, "wait a minute, remember last night? How in the world did people find out our secret?" Greg asked. Just as Connor was about to talk Cameron walked beside Greg and asked him, "what secret?"
"AH! Where did you come from?" Connor almost screamed (as he was startled). "Well I was walking behind you guys and I sort of over heard you guys talking.....anyways, what's the secret?" Cameron said teasing them. "Secret? No secrets here, now can you leave us alone and stop eavesdropping?" Amaya said hoping Cameron would leave them alone, but he didn't really get the whole "leave us alone part".

"Oh come on guys, you can tell me, we're friends right?" Cameron said. Amaya and Connor just gave him one of those "but we're not even friends look" while Greg told him that it was none of his business.

"Oh fine, tell me if you want, I'm going now, don't wanna be late!" Cameron started running towards the school as he said the last part. "Thank goodness that Cameron left us alone, imagine if he found out our secret, we're doomed then." Amaya said sighing. Little did they know was that Cameron was still curious about their secret, and he was planning to spy on them until he found out the secret or simply gave up.

It was now night time, and you know what that means!


Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day.

Connor becomes: Catboy!

Greg becomes: Gekko!

Amaya becomes: Owlette!

"The Pj masks!"

The moment they got into the headquarters they saw the future them checking the picture player.

"Oh I almost forgot they were here." Owlette said.

"How could you? I'm not that easy to forget." F,Romeo said with his signature smile plastered across his face.

"I'm surprised this place is still as clean as it is, any sign of Diego?" Catboy said.

"No not yet, we haven't seen anything." F,Luna Girl said.

"Well we could go around the city in person." F,Night Ninja suggested. Everyone seemed to agree with him and they went to their individual vehicles. The Catboys went to the Cat Car, the flying heroes went to the Owl Glider, the camouflaging lizards went to the Gekko mobile. F,Night Ninja and F,Romeo took the lab and F,Luna Girl took her Luna Board.

They went around the city not finding anything the picture player didn't capture, just as they were about to head back to HQ, they saw a a quick flash of light and and wind blowing right after. The future club all knew it was the one and only, Diego powers.

"Go, go, go!!!!!!" F,Romeo shouted.

All the vehicles started chasing the blurry light but couldn't catch up, he was just too fast! They decided to spilt up, that way they could catch Diego faster. After chasing Diego for some time, they finally blocked him off. Diego stood still, he didn't make a sound. F,Romeo decided to talk first, he gestured for the kids to hide just in case.

"Diego, we got you you have no where to run, just surrender, you don't have to be a bad guy. We did not kill your parents."

"As if I'd believe your stupid lies, I see right through them Romeo, once I find your oblivious past selves, I will kill them, only then I will stop." Diego said ready to fight.

"If it's a fight you want then you'll get it!" F,Night Ninja said jumping out of F,Romeo's lab in a fighting stance.

Diego starts charging at F,Night Ninja at the speed of light but everything was slow motion for F,Catboy. He charged at Diego using his Super cat speed and Super cat stripes, the Super cat stripes managed to tie up Diego. Everyone started charging at Diego, everyone except the past them. Diego took a quick glance at them and stomped on the ground sending the future crew flying.

With the future team knocked out, it was up to the past versions to stop him, even if it means showing themselves.

They fought for a long time when, Diego was about to  ahem get rid of (kill) Catboy. They heard a leaves from the bush behind the ruffle. They immediately saw Cameron with a camera pointing right at them.

Diego was about to go get him when Owlette and Gekko jumped on top of him making him struggle to move. When F,Romeo and the others woke up Diego had managed to break loose of Gekko and Owlette's grip and ran off.

"Oh no..." Catboy said. By now Cameron was long gone, they can't stop him now.

"What is it?" F,Gekko asked him.

"Well, Cameron, he was recording us. I bet he saw the whole thing. What do we do now?? Our secret is going to be revealed!" Catboy said in panic.

"I mean eventually they would come to find out, so there really isn't anything to worry about, and plus, he only saw you guys in your masks, they still don't know who you guys really are." F,Night Ninja said.

"Well this is not good, right now Diego's seen you, he knows you, but not your real identity, if people finds out, news might get to Diego and he might hunt you down any time of the day or night. You don't have your powers during the morning, that makes it more dangerous." F,Romeo said concerned.

"Well, if Diego does find out about our identities, can't you make it so that we have our powers during the day?" Gekko asked.

"Well it's dangerous, but we can try. Only if Diego finds out. Anyways you guy should get going. We'll keep an eye out for Diego." F,Catboy said.

The Pj masks nodded and left to go home while the future team went back to HQ.

Ok! The end. Now I have to clarify something, F,Romeo has his lab because it travelled in time with him a day after he arrived to this time. If you are still confused, this is a simpler explanation:

His lab travelled to the same time as F,Romeo.

Sooo, I guess this is a cliff hanger?

Anyways updating next week. Bye!

I do not own Pj masks, it belongs to FrogBox and Disney Junior.

Ok really bye now. Peace!

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