Diego's plan

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Diego POV

It was a normal day. I walked home from school as per normal. I found something, something on the ground on my way back. It was a band, white in colour, black bolts around it. No one was around so I put it on. I instantly ran at the speed of light, clashing against the alley wall. "This must be some kind of device that gives the user super powers" I thought. I was going to use it to protect the world. I was going to be a hero! But then, they showed up. The PJ masks.

I opened the house door and saw them. They were standing over my parents dead bodies, they did not seem to have even a little bit of mercy for what they have done. Unbelievable. Utterly disgusting. I hate them. I want...to kill them. Their cold eyes stared into my soul. Then, they left. Just like that they disappeared. Without muttering a word they disappeared. In a fit of rage I screamed. There were so many emotions running through my mind. The whole neighbourhood must have heard me because soon after the police arrived at my house. They tried everything to comfort me but nothing worked. I will kill them, I have to keep the world safe from those monsters. This happened when I was 5. No 5 year old deserves this.

Many years later, i when I was 23, I watched a news report on some neighbourhood heroes.

News reporter: These heroes that go by the name of "Trailblazers" have helped us for more than 19 years without us even knowing.

(A/N I don't know if im going to keep their name as the "trailblazers" im horrible at making names for if you have any better suggestions please comment them)

I didn't pay much attention to it at first until he said something that caught my attention.

News reporter: They used to go by the name of the "PJ masks" if you're wondering how they look like here is a picture of them.

I turned to look at the screen. It was them again. I don't want to see their faces. I smashed the tv. And yes I am aware that I just broke a perfectly good $300 tv.


I trained even harder, day in day out all I was doing was training. I needed to put an end to this immediately. They needed to see they were the villains.

After a few months of training, I attacked them. I tried to kill them but they were too fast, even for my super speed. I got knocked out, I almost got caught by the police but lucky I got away just in time. You can bet I made an appearance on the news that day. And of course I was the villain. For the following years I trained my speed and strength. I found out this band had much more powers that I never knew about. Like freeze breath and super strength. There are much more than just those few powers though. Once again I fought them. Even though I was super strong they always seemed to win every battle. Sure I got them beat up pretty bad. And most of the times I lost I had just ran away. They never really won against me. But I still wasn't satisfied. I needed more. I needed to kill them.

That's when I thought of a brilliant idea. I could travel back in time to kill them. Yeah that would work. This plan was fool proof. I figured I could use my super speed to make a rift in the space time continuum and enter through there. So that's what I did. I was so close to killing them. Then yet again those older versions showed up. Great. I travelled all this way for nothing. I attacked them a few times after that night. Nothing ever seemed to work. But that's going to change.

It's going to be the end of them. I only need another month before I put my plan into action. They are all going to regret coming here. I will make sure of it. This time I will win. And I will... kill them.


Sorry for not updating for so long, I have been busy with school work and all. I just suddenly found motivation to write this chapter so.... Here you go. Hope you guys like it, it's like 1 am in the morning and I should really get some sleep.

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