Unmasked pt 2

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The next day, they 3 friends were walking to school when Cameron jumped out of nowhere exclaiming, "guys! Guys! You gotta check out this video, something crazy happened last night! And it was all captured by me!"

They viewed the 15 minute long video in shock. Cameron captured everything from F,Romeo being knocked out by Diego to Catboy seeing Cameron.

"Sorry, couldn't get the last part, that person saw me. They seemed to be good guys though, it's like the blue one has the powers of a cat, the red one has powers of a bird and the green one has the powers of a.... reptile?" Cameron continued,"Say..... they kinda look like you guys......don't you think?"

"No way! We look nothing like them. Wait a-holy moly! 5,000,000 views?! Bu-but how???"
Connor asked.

"Oh yeah, I shared it on my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and on YouTube! It blew up alright!" Cameron bragged.

"Hey guys, don't we have to get to class by now?" Amaya said trying to stop this conversation.

"Oh yeah, we do." Greg replied.

"Well let's get going!" Cameron said gesturing to the school.

Class was normal except everyone kept talking about Cameron's "incredible video" and Cameron kept bragging about how he was going to find out their identities and whatnot.

After school Connor, Amaya and Greg was cautiously sneaking around when going home hoping that Cameron did not notice them.

"Hey guys look!" Greg said pointing to something. It was a valentines poster, it was  pasted on a pole near the school.

"It's about the valentines party in school, and it's next week!" Amaya was elated. Maybe this was her chance to get together with Connor. Then Greg remembered about Connors crush.

"Someone will have a chance to ask their crush out!" Greg teased Connor although he knew Connor didn't like it.

"Connor has a crush?" Amaya was feeling slightly worried, what if... what if it wasn't her?

"Uhh let's talk about that later.... we have to get home before someone spots us!" Connor avoided the question carefully. "This is my chance to ask her out! But... will she say yes or no?" Connor thought to himself. Immediately all the bad thoughts started coming back to him. His facial expression clearly changed, form happy to worried.

"What's wrong?" Amaya noticed his worrisome expression.

"Uhhh, nothing just uhh hoping that Cameron doesn't find out we're the Pj masks! Yeah, that's all." Connor told Amaya.

"Well if you say so. You know if your not ok you can tell me."

"I know, but if Cameron knows who we are, he will tell everyone in the city! You should know that show off. The whole city could go find out we have powers for all I care, I just don't want the news to get to Diego." Connor was good at making up excuses, ok he's good at making excuses what do you want me to say? Anyways,

Greg was also seemed to be lost in thought. He was thinking about the valentines party. You see, he also has a crush, on Luna Girl. But no.... he can't date her, she a villain, he's a hero. If Connor and Amaya finds out about this, he can't even imagine their reactions.

By the way night time strikes yet again!

Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day.

Connor becomes: Catboy!

Greg becomes: Gekko!

Amaya becomes: Owlette!

"The Pj masks!"

They reached the headquarters but the future dream team were no where to be found.

"Pj robot, where are they?" Catboy said referring to the future them.

Pj robot told them that they saw Diego on the run and they are chasing him now.

"Ok, so are our cars chasing him too? Because our cars." Owlette asked.

"Beep bop beep boop" Pj robot, beeped.

"They took our cars too? I mean it's fine but how do we chase Diego now?" Gekko asked.

"Beep boop be bo beep!"

"They left the owl glider? Great! Let's go guys." They hopped into the owl glider and started flying around the city. Owlette used her owl eyes and Catboy used his cat ears to find them. They were at the school, when they reached the school they saw most of the future them knocked out. They could guess it's because of Diego.

When Diego saw them, instead of fighting them like they thought he would, he ran away. The Pj masks jumped into the Owl Glider and followed him form above. Diego was heading straight for HQ! They tried to catch up to Diego but the owl glider wasn't fast enough. They saw Diego phasing through the walls of HQ, what happened next was a mystery. They immediately landed the owl glider on the bridge connecting the part to HQ and started running towards the headquarters. They needed to get inside as fast as possible.  They were almost in when, suddenly, their suits disappeared with their powers.

Turns out after Diego phased through the walls of Pj masks HQ, he beat up Pj robot and summoned the Pj crystal. He tried to destroy it but it was too powerful, but he did manage to push it a little out of place. And that was enough for the Pj masks powers to be gone.

The Pj masks were all confused when they saw themselves without the mask on.

"Ughhh, Diego must be behind this!" Amaya shouted.

Greg turned around to see if the future them have caught up yet. But when he turned around he only saw Cameron, with a camera pointing right at them.

Ok! Done with chapter 6 finally! Now the future chapters might be delayed by a few days or weeks. Sorry but schools been consuming my last few brain cells recently. I hope you guys enjoy the story so far, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!

I do not own Pj masks it belongs to FrogBox and Disney Junior.

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