Epilogue: Vitani

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Vitani walked through her portal and she stepped through, the portal closed behind her, and she just walked through the jungle, she had no idea what to do now, she couldn't go back to the Pridelands since Kopa probably reported her incident with the symbiote. So she just wondered off for a while and found her den that she stayed in while she was in the jungle. She went in and rested, but she heard footsteps, she stood up and walked to the edge of her den and saw Kopa walking around. After their incident, she highly doubts that he would want to see her again.  So she just stayed in her den, hoping that he would just leave, when she is reminded of Kopa, she was reminded of all the mistakes that she made, she could be with him right now, but both of them screwed up.

The next morning she woke up and went to a nearby lake to get a drink of water. When she was done, she heard footsteps,"Vitani,"she turned around and saw Kopa standing there."what do you want,"she said in a calm voice,"I want to talk, about us,"Kopa walked up to her and sat down in front of her,"Vitani, I knew that I made a mistake by pushing you away, especially since I saw what you have become, I saw you fighting along with others who had the same darkness you had, I don't know what happened, but this thing just showed up and it showers where you where and what you were doing, I-I think I saw my dad in through that thing also, but I saw you, I realized that it was my fault that I did this to you, and I'm sorry, and I would like to be with you, and start a family, and just be together like how we always wanted,"Vitani thought about what Kopa had just told her."Kopa.....I don't know,"

"what do you mean,"Vitani took in a deep breath,"look, you have done a lot to hurt me, and you nearly let me die, and I can't forget that, I'm going to need some time to think about it,"a somewhat saddened expression formed on his face,"for how long,"he asked,"I don't know, maybe I might come back, or I might just move on, but for now, you wont see me for a while,"Vitani stood up and began to walk away, leaving Kopa to just sit there with tears on his face. 

Vitani would spend 3 years away from the Pridelands, wondering and thinking. At some point she did find a mate, but they both broke up after a short amount of time. They both felt like they belonged with someone else, and Vitani realized this also, so she made her way back to the Pridelands, but she wasn't sure if she was going to stay in general, she thought that maybe Kopa had already found another mate. She walked to where her and Kopa used to meet when they were cubs, and there he was, waiting for her. She walked up to him and Kopa couldn't believe it, he went in and hugged her, and all that pain that he caused from those years ago, was gone, she smiled and leaned in their hug. They eventually got married and had two daughters, they were both happy, and although Vitani never forgot about what Kopa did to her, she still loved him after all those years, all her life she was trained to be a heartless killer, but now, she was finally happy

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