Back in Black

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AU Fuli and Vitani turned around and saw the Night Pride running up to them. Both turned around but saw Peter standing in front of them,"you both look familiar,"said Peter in a sarcastic tone."Hold on,"said Fuli confused,"who are you."

"I'm you,"said AU Fuli

"How, how are you me,"

"thats none of your business,"said AU Fuli as Venom took over along with AU Vitani's Venom and knocked away Fuli. The Night Pride and Peter looked at the two venomized felines."WHAT IS THAT," Yelled Baylio.

"oh no,"Peter said to himself,"KION, USE YOUR ROAR,"

"On it,"said Kion. But Before Kion could use your roar, A symbiote tendril from Fuli wrapped around Kion's Muzzle and elevated Kion in the air,"Do you want to know what happened to you in my universe,"said AU Fuli,"It did not end well for you," AU Fuli then slammed Kion against a tree and knocked him out. Rani then pounced at AU Fuli while the others tried to deal with Vitani. "IS THAT VITANI,"asked Bunga dodging AU Vitani's Symbiote tendrils.

"I THINK SO BUT SHE MIGHT BE FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE,"said Peter. Peter then Focused and released a blast of his energy at AU Vitani, weakening her."My energy, it weakens the symbiote. Peter then had the energy glow on his fists as he punched through the symbiote tendrils, and jumped in the air, ready to land a blow on AU Vitani, but then, out of nowhere, AU Fuli Pounced on him and lashed out at him, landing a few blows."BAD KITTY BAD KITTY STOP,"said Peter trying to shield himself from Fuli's Attacks. Then Fuli was Knocked off of Peter. Peter got up and saw Kion,'Thanks"said Peter.

"No Problem,"replied Kion. Kion then turned to face AU Fuli and Vitani and roared them away."So what was that,"

"I....I think that was a symbiote,"

"symbi-what,"asked Bunga "Basically a parasite, a parasite that can take over and feed off of anger. I know this because when it bonded with me, I went out of control, and I've sworn I'll never be infected by that rage again"explained Peter recalling the events of him when he had the symbiote"ohh, wait you had that symbiote thing attached to you,"

"yeah, I did for a bit, apparently the symbiote also made me emo, or at least thats what Ned and MJ told me,"

"Peter, do you know how to beat those things,"asked Kion

"from what I learned, fire, lightning, or high frequency noises, but your roar could also work,"

"but where did they come from,"said Rani

"I don't know, maybe if I scan the area for any inter-dimensional shifting I could get a location,"

"and how long would that take,"

"not until someone opens a portal to this universe, and-HANG ON,"

"what is it,"asked Beshte

"I got a reading, apparently it's originating in my universe, thats weird, ill go check it out,"

"but what if those symbiote things come back,"said Bunga

"I will get a notification if anything enters this universe,"said Peter swinging through the portal.

When Peter went through the portal, he immediately contacted his best friend Ned."Hey Peter,"said Ned answering his call,"whats up,"

"Ned, I need you to track the location of the energy surge, im sending you the details I got from my scan right now,"said Peter swinging through the city.

"alright, ill upload the data to my computer,"

"thanks Ned,"

"This is so cool, helping spider-man with his inter-dimensional missions,"

"yeah it would be cool,"

"also Peter have you met Simba or anyone else from the movies, what are they like, "

"I dunno, I only talked with Simba for like a bit after I beat up Kraven and he lives in the pridelands, and I've mostly been at the Tree of Life"

"what is it like working with the night pride anyways,"said Ned who just got the data Peter sent him

"it's alright, I have someone to just vent out to about my superhero stuff and they can relate to me sometimes,"

"nice, so Peter, the data you sent me says the location of the energy surge is in a warehouse half a mile away, i'll send you the directions,"

"thanks Ned,"

"No problem, but i have to go, my parents need me to help them with something,"

"alright,"said Peter as he got on course and started to swing to the desired location. Peter then saw the warehouse and stuck to the side of the front wall before crawling to the top window and going in. Peter then stepped on the top platform and carefully walked through and looked around. Then Peter swung down and saw 9 portals then he looked and saw a container that looked like it was for a symbiote. Peter continued to look through and saw a computer, he quickly logged in to see if he could find anything, then he saw a program on the computer that said "Symbiote-Hosts" and opened it. Then he saw the footage of everyone,

As the videos went on, they got to the parts where they would turn to the darkness, then it showed them bonding with the symbiotes

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As the videos went on, they got to the parts where they would turn to the darkness, then it showed them bonding with the symbiotes. Peter was surprised at what he saw, someone knew this would happen to them so he could send the symbiotes to feed off their anger. Then he heard someone behind him, so he turned around and saw him,"Hello there Spider-Man, remember me,"said Ock

"you, wait you were at the fight at the collider,"

"thats right, after you used your energy to destroy the power cells in the collider and send us back to our universes, I managed to end up in your universe, here I have been perfecting my revenge scheme,"

"you, have been using symbiotes to create a small army,"

"exactly, and now they are ready,"said Ock as his symbiote army walked out of the shadows and into view,"I will destroy you and you friends known as the Night Pride,"

"NO,"said Peter as he attempted to throw a punch at them

"as I suspected, you care about them, they are like a family to you, such weakness,"said ock as he used his mechanical arms to pick up Peter and throw him away,Ock then began to power the portals to send his army to get rid of the Night Pride.Peter then got up and jumped at ock before Venom-Janja pinned him down. Peter used his energy to blast him off and tried to make his way to the portal. But everyone was slowing him down so Peter released the biggest energy blast he could release to get everyone off his back. He then jumped through the portal while shooting a web line at a power cord and pulled it as he jumped through the portal before it turned off.

And this is the second part of this. I'm trying to make this not sound like a stupid crossover story by blending these two worlds together. But remember to vote and comment. And I created anew book that acts as a commentary on the Lion Guard fanbase where I point out dumb stuff within the fanbase so please check it out

Lion Guard-Tragedy and Lossحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن