In all honesty, I hadn't realized how big I'd gotten. I took my spare hand and rubbed it over my bump. Thank god for the coconut oil i use twice daily, I've only gotten one stretch mark above my left hip.

"Woah." I looked up at my brother, who was standing in the bathroom doorway. A smile pulled at my lips as I looked down at my stomach. "Weird, huh?"

Stiles nodded, "yeah..." I smiled widely, "he's moving, wanna feel?" I whispered pressing right bellow my belly button, where I could feel my boy moving.

Without waiting for an answer, I grabbed Stiles' hand, pressing it under mine. "W-wha... that's... weird." He pulled his hand back with a bewildered look on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh, "I know right?"

Scott smiled right when he saw me standing beside his locker. I was leaning beside him, my hands rubbing my lower back. "Goodmorning." He smiled down at me while opening his locker. I looked up at him, smiling, "morning." 

He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "Ew, I don't need to see that this morning." Stiles gagged, making both Scott and I chuckle. "You're just jealous you don't have someone to kiss." 

Stiles shook his head before diving into a conversation with Scott, one I didn't care too much about since it had to do with Alpha business and whatnot. Instead, I opted to looking around the hall, observing all the people. 

Lydia and Allison were over by Lydia's locker, talking about something in hushed tones. Danny was arguing on the phone... probably with Ethan. My eyes scanned the hall until they fell onto Kira. 

She wasn't doing anything interesting except for the fact that she was so obviously staring at my boyfriend. A dreamy smile pulled at her lips while she looked over him and I couldn't help but frown. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my frowning at Kira. "Are you okay?" Scott asked, a worried expression on his face. I forced a smile and looked up at him. "Yeah, just tired. Let's get to class." 

I ended up leaving school early, which turned out to be a huge mistake. Stiles texted me fifteen minutes ago saying SOS and that they were locked in the school. "Dad, what's going on?" I asked, standing outside the school, which was surrounded by cop cars and angry parents. 

My dad sighed, looking back to me with a frown. "We think William Barrow might be in the high school--" I gasped, "The William Barrow? The same one who murdered a bunch of kids on a school bus?? Dad, Stiles and Scott are in there!" I began rubbing my stomach with wide eyes, worry evident on my face.

"I know, we're figuring it out, okay. Don't worry." He placed a quick kiss on my head, "now, let me do my job." I nodded, trying to slow my breathing and come up with a good plan, any plan really. I dialed Stiles' number, pressing the phone to my ear. 

"Pick up, pick up, pick--" I muttered under my breath. "Victoria, where are you?" I sighed in relief that Stiles was okay. "I'm outside, they won't let anyone in or out. They think William Barrow is in there. Are you guys okay?" 

I could faintly hear Stiles talking with some people in the background. I looked around, noticing how all the cops were leaving. "They're leaving..." I whispered into the line. "What do you mean they're leaving?" 

"The cops, dad, they're all leaving." I began to chew on my lip while walking back toward my dad, still on the phone with Stiles. "They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here... I need to talk to dad, stall him." 

"Okay." I hung up, jogging-- or at least attempting to jog-- toward my father, who was walking back from the school entrance. One of the deputies tried to stop me from entering but, I glared at him. "I need to talk to my dad, it's an emergency." I pointed to my belly and he instantly let me through. 

Guess I didn't need to stall him... Stiles was already stopping our dad by the time I reached them. "You can't leave yet." Stiles spoke as I reached them, dad gave me a concerned look at my labored breathing. I just pointed at Stiles, "what he said." 

"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station..." He explained, or at least began to before Mr. McCall interjected, "let's go, Stilinski!" I rolled my eyes, I still hated that guy. I don't care if he's the grandfather to my children, I don't like him. 

"Whoa, whoa, Dad! Please, just-- Lydia said that he's still here." Stiles explained and my eyes widened, duh! Why didn't I think of using my ability sooner? I swear, pregnancy brain is a real thing. I lost my phone yesterday while I was on the phone with Scott... I'm not proud of it. 

My dad sighed, "did she see him?" Stiles shook his head, pulling a face and talking with his hands. "Not exactly, no... Well, not at all, actually. But she has a feeling-- a supernatural feeling." My dad's face scrunched up, "Lydia wasn't on the chess board." 

I laughed lightly, "well, she is now. She's a banshee, surprise!" Stiles and my dad both shot me a look that said: now's not the time. I simply frowned in response and crossed my arms, not liking that I got shut down. 

"I know, I know how it sounds. But basically, it means that she can sense when someone's close to death." My dad sent a look to Stiles, "can she sense that I'm about to kill you?" Stiles frowned, "i don't know..." 

My dad sighed, looking nervously toward Mr. McCall. "All right, look-- I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with "eyewitness" over "Banshee." We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown until three o'clock. Nobody comes in, nobody comes out." 

"Can I go in?" I asked. My dad sent me a look, "no. You are going to go back home and protect yourself and those babies. If William Barrow is here, you need to be as far away as possible." I rolled my eyes, knowing that he did have a point. 

I turned to Stiles once dad walked away. "I'm gonna go home and try to work my seer voodoo. I'll call you. Keep me updated and please stay safe?" I rose a brow at him, worry ebbed away at my insides. 

Stiles sent me a small smile. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." He pulled me into a hug, one I quickly returned. "Okay, love you." 

"Love you," I waved him off before we both went our separate ways. Now all I need to do is figure out what William Barrow has in store for everyone. 

A/N: Hello my fabulous readers. Thank you for your patience as I took FOREVER to update. I am so sorry. I have been feeling super down lately and my mental health was really suffering. I'm sure you can tell by the quality of the chapter that I'm still not 100% but, I really wanted to get something out for you guys (I'll go back and revise this later.) I'll try and have another chapter out for you guys ASAP. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe during these difficult times. Until next time-- XOXO

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