The Other Girl

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Chapter 4: Together

Once the two were safely back in Hope's room, the tribrid gently placed Josie on the bed. Turning to grab the food that she sat down, she handed the bag that she has the food gathered from the kitchen in to Josie and then locked the door.

Now Hope wanted to make sure that they weren't disturbed tonight. So first she locked in with the lock on the door and then the dead bolt. She then spelled it shut. Finally for good measure, she sound proofed the room.

"Think that's enough security?" Josie laughed.

"Laugh all you want, but nothing is interrupting us tonight."

Josie smiled and held her hand out to her girlfriend. Hope took her hand and was pulled down to sit next to her.

"I love that idea. I want to eat and talk and then I want to spend a lot of time NOT talking."

"Sounds perfect to me." Hope leans over and kisses her girlfriend.

The girls grab the bag that Hope had packed and took out the containers of food and the drinks. As they sat on the bed and ate they discussed how their afternoons were spent.

"So how did everything go with Landon?"

"He was shocked. He apparently, couldn't figure out that me not having anything to do with him for two weeks, might mean something."

"I'm sorry that this was hard. I shouldn't have waited."

"No, it's not your fault. You were trying to think about everyone. You wanted to do the right thing and make sure that us breaking up with them didn't hurt them worse, and I agreed."

"So how did he take it when you finally told him?"

"He acted like an ass, so I threw him out on his ass."

Josie looked at the tribrid in amazement. She knew that Landon was important to Hope and that this would have been hard on her.

"What happened?"

"I told him about us. I wanted to be honest with him. I felt like I owed that to him and to us. I don't plan on hiding us. I'm going to walk these halls with you beside me, holding your hand."

The brunette was shocked. She knew that Hope wanted to be with her, but to know that she was proud and wanted everyone to know. An overwhelming sense of love filled her whole body.

"After I told him, he said something he shouldn't have, and I threw him out before my wolf tore him apart."

Josie shook her head. She gave a sarcastic laugh.

"What he call me?"

The older girl raised a brow in question.

"You only get mad enough for your wolf to take over when you protect those you love."

Hope laughed. She couldn't argue with that.

"I won't say what he called you, but he asked if you were fucking me, or if I was you."

The look on Josie's face was one of utter repulsion. She couldn't believe that Landon could be so crass. He always seemed sweet.

"Well now I feel less bad about stealing his girl. And I can guess from that exactly what he called me."

"Well, I can say that he will never call you that again!"

Josie looked at her girlfriend with a twinkle in her eyes.

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