The Other Girl

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Chapter 2: Flashback

Waiting outside of Landon's last class, Hope was excited. Most people would be nervous. Hope however knew that this was going to be difficult, but it was worth it. After this, there would be nothing standing in her way of being with Josie completely.

Just the thought of her hands on Hope. Of her touching all of the tribrid, of them making love in a bed at a slow pace, instead of always rushed in a closet or cloaked in a random classroom, ect. It's not that it wasn't heated and amazing, but always rushed. No time together afterwards. It had been horrible.


It has all started a month ago, when they were assigned as partners in their Witch History and History of Magical Creatures, (created after the whole Malivore thing), classes for their finals projects for the semester. It seemed like Fate was pushing them to be together.

They had started off talking in each class about the projects. Then within a day, Josie joined Hope at her private, cause no one was brave enough to take Hope's anything, table so they could work on details. Then they were meeting in the library every night.

By the end of the first week, except for sleeping, they were always together. They were almost ignoring their girlfriend/boyfriend to spend more time, working on the project of course.

As the second week started, they had taken to going to Hope's room. Too many students in the library. They were both the top students, number one and two respectively, in all their classes. They couldn't be distracted. They needed quiet.

By the end of that week, when they were told by Lizzie there was a party and they had to come, they both knew something was wrong. It was in the way that Lizzie looked so pointedly at them with her demand.

Hope went with Landon and Josie with Penelope. It was boring for both to say the least. They spent the whole night pretending not to be stealing glances at each other and to actually be enjoying the party. If either of them had spared more than a quick glance, they would have caught the other looking.

After two hours, Hope gave up. She told Landon that she was tired and that she was going to her room to go to bed.

He of course smiled and stood up to go with her. He always tried to go with Hope after parties. He thought that he was going to get lucky. Think again!

"That's ok Landon. I'm tired. You stay and hang out with Raf. I'll talk to you later."

Then she left without a thought, backwards glance and without kissing the boy goodbye. Truth be told, she was tired of him and of putting him off. She got tired of turning him down, he was a nice guy, but learn that when she said 'no' it wasn't going to change two seconds later.

At the same time, across the party, Josie was similarly saying goodnight to Penelope. She was bored and didn't want to stay to watch all of the witches fawn over her girlfriend. She wasn't jealous, honestly it nauseated by the sight.

"But babe, we just got here!" Penelope said.

"It's fine. You stay, I'll see you later."

With a half-hearted kiss to the cheek, not really even connecting to the skin, the brunette left.

As the two started for the school, they saw each other across the trees and gravitated towards each other.

"Bored?" Hope asked.

"So very. You?"

"You can only imagine."

They broke out into a fit of laughter.

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