𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

Začít od začátku

The girl was no older than 18.

"Poor girl," a sweet voice came from a dark corner of the concrete room, "but you don't need to fear him, he can't hurt you." Bambina stepped out of the shadows, a caring look on her face as she addressed the frightened girl, voice calming and reassuring.

Marcello closed the door behind him and leant against it.

"What," the girl spoke with much difficulty, "do you want from me?"

Tears freely flowed down her cheeks and Bambina gingerly wiped it away with a piece of cloth from the metal table.

"I know what you are," Bambina held the material up against a cut and pressed hard, the girl beginning to cry out from the pain, "shh, it's ok." Bambina hushed the girl and placed the piece of fabric down.

"I don't understand!" The girl screamed out, spit flying from her mouth.

Wordlessly, Bambina picked up a few photos and lifted them up to the light so that the girl could see.

Grey skin, sunken eyes and skin being eaten by maggots. Dried blood splattered on the face as pieces of her face were missing, allowing a view into the mouth from a gaping hole in the cheek that shouldn't be there. That was the first photo.

The second photo was of a body so thin that it looked like a pile of bones. Instead of the grey skin of a corpse, the body was splotched with dried blood on her skin and clothes. She had multiple cuts all over her body, all meant to be painful, but not to kill. But since the injuries were left untreated in horrible conditions, they became infected, and she had died a slow, painful death.

Looking at the photos, the girl's jaw began to shake as more tears fell down her face.

"You would think that you would learn from your sister's mistakes, hmm?" Bambina hummed and placed the pictures away, but the image stayed in the girls head, sunken, dead eyes haunting her mind.

"She's not my sister." The girl lied, eyes unable to meet Bambina's.

"Opal, that's a pretty name. You graduated from high school with high marks, so, you're meant to be smart." Bambina lifted a scalpal from the metal table, "But apparently, you're not, because if you were smart, you wouldn't lie to me."

Bambina slowly walked around the chair, Opal madly whipping her head around to keep watch of the intimidating short woman.

Bambina's eyes observed the girl. Bambina was the predator, and Opal was the prey.

Coming to a stop in front of the chair, Bambina lifted one of Opal's fingers and began grazing the sharp edge on her skin, "Please! I don't know anything! I don't know who the boss is! No one ever told me!" Opal screeched and Bambina raised an eyebrow.

"And I haven't even cut you yet," she murmured.

"I don't know anything!" Opal was loudly sobbing, blue eyes full of fear and anguish.

"I do," Bambina smiled happily, "I know who your boss is."

"Then why am I here?" Opal looked into her lap as the salty tears fell onto the open cuts, causing an unwelcome sting.

"Because, Opal," Bambina yanked Opals face up by her clumpy blonde hair, "you dared to even try and undermine me, you dared to even think that you would be able to find out something to give to your boss. You dared to go against me."

Afterwards, the small room was filled with the high pitched screams of pure suffering and agony, as Bambina careful began to cut and peel the skin off of the girl's fingers.

The red blood flowing onto the metal chair, and dripping to the concrete floor.

A sadistic smile lit up Bambina's childlike face as her fingers began to be covered by the crimson liquid.

There was a feeling of satisfaction that she got when her enemy was in pain by her own hands. At moments like these, she embraced the voices in her head, feeling in control.

Authors note

 I actually forgot that I had said that she had studied nursing.

See, I know she was in high school at the time, but when I began to write this story, she was actually in University, but then I was like, "Nah" and changed it. But now, with what I wrote at the beginning of this chapter, it makes a little sense (I guess, I'm not sure).

Also, I received a comment that my books are fast-paced and dramatic (not aimed at anyone[except only one person had said this]) BUT, regardless, I would just like to address this issue - I'm not salty about it or anything.

I know my books are fast-paced, I'm a very impatient human being, and I personally don't like filler chapters that much, because I can't really write things that don't have much relevance to the story. It's a problem I have, it's just not a possibility, because I get bored writing it, and then I might stop writing in the book for a while as I try to figure out what to write in the filler.

ANYWAY, long story short, my stories are usually fast-paced, I can't help it, it's just something I do.

Also (unrelated), I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I try to make each chapter around 1000 words before I post/upload them. I think that's a lot? I don't know, is it?

If you read these authors note, I apologise for the lack of organisation and sense of this note, it's 10 pm (early, ik) and I'm tired and I just had a lot of sugar.

But Fridays, right? :)

peach flavoured ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat