Like Cinderella : The Jerky Prince

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 1

-The Jerky Prince-

~Cassandra Bell~

"You whore! This was a hundred quid shirt! And totally new! You can't afford to look at it, but what do you do?! You go and pour your stupid orange juice on it!" shouted the famous, popular jerk. Normally my reaction would be to cower away like a wimp and run away. But right now, you know what!? I've had enough! And seriously?! A hundred pound shirt?! Who spends that much on a bloody shirt?!

I glared daggers at Cain, "Oh! I'm the whore?! And this is coming from the guy who has slept with more than ninety percent of this school." Believe me, this school isn't small. It has around 10,000 students. And ninety percent of girls are a lot.

Well you could probably guess by now that this guy was the popular, rich, arrogant player of the school. Cliché right? Guess what's even more cliché! He thinks I'm a geek. Which for your information, I'm not. I barely scrape B's in most subjects, the others? Don't even ask. I'm not a straight A an A* student I have to work my butt off to just get Bs!

"At least I can get some!" Oh my gosh! He sounds like one of those prostitutes in our school. This guy has some serious issues. 'At least I can get some?!' Wow, wow!

"Yeah you get some and give some of your sexually transmitted infections. Which FYI I want to stay the hell away from!" with that I turned, strutting to the exist of the canteen. By now I'm guessing we had the attention of the whole school.

"Wait!" boomed a voice, making a blanket of silence cover the already hushed students. On my heel, I swirled around just to be hit in the face by a chunk of squished fish- the lunch special of today. Eeww! I absolutely hate fish. I hate sea food! Why would you eat fish?! It makes no sense.... to me anyways. Slowly, I wiped the regurgitating food off my hair and face. It was sticky! Ugh! I felt like puking.

Usually my temper doesn't go wild like this, but I guess my control has taken a holiday, so when I saw his smirk -without thinking, I grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes from the table next to me, I'm sorry student who probably paid a fortune for that disgusting thing, and threw it straight at the jerk. Thank god I'm actually decent at PE. It hit the prick bang in the face. A victory smirk invaded my face. Take that! I would totally have done a victory dance.

When he retaliated, I ducked, as I was ready for it. I turned to see who it hit, and it wasn't a student.

I gulped in fear.

Oh shizzles. Yes I did just say that. It's not that I don't swear I just like making up new words in awkward situations... Once I said crapdoodles out loud in a coffee shop... I never went back to that coffee shop. Anyways...

It was the principal. The tall man had lasagne on his black, crisply ironed suit. If he wasn't pointing his long wrinkly finger at me, I would have been on the floor laughing. Fuck! This could not end well.


"I am very disappointed in both of you, Miss Bell and Mr Adams, you are both one of my top students and you're behaving like wild monkeys. This is not acceptable at all. Not at all." The old hag paused. Please don't let me be in too much trouble! "Even though I could suspend you both from school, I'm not going to. Instead you both have detention after school for two weeks and during that time you will help set up for the senior masquerade prom." When he saw me about to object he added, "No objections or else you'll be suspended."

He allowed us to leave however just as we got to the door he said, "Oh, and I have called home to your parents and informed them your punishments." Instantly the colour from my face drained. H-he what?!

Shit. My breathing increased as the door closed behind me. He called home! I could see Cain moving his lips but I couldn't process what he was saying because all I could hear was my own heartbeat. He called home. Someone then shook me pulling me out of my trance.

"W-what?" I said, pushing Cain's hands off me.

"Glad you joined us back on planet Earth, Miss Bell." All my confidence from before had disintegrated into dust, so all I did was turn around, walking away.

"Hey, I'm not done with you!" The jerk screamed following me. "You know this is all your fault. If you hadn't poured your drink over me this wouldn't have happened!" He exclaimed. Weren't we over that yet? I guess not.

Keeping my eyes lowered, I muttered, "Sorry." Then I turned away from him again to trudge off. I didn't know where to, and all I could think of was that the head teacher called home. He called home!

~Cain Adams~

Okay, what is up with that chick? One second she's all badass on me and the next she turns into some wimp. It was kind of weird though, how at the mention of her home she went completely pale. I shrugged it off. It was probably because she never got into trouble. Little miss goody-two-shoes. I silently watched her disappear around the corner.

I've got to say her confidence in the lunch room was quite amusing, no one has ever spoken to me like that and the funny thing was I wasn't even offended. Well maybe a bit when she said I had STIs, However she was something. And the very small food fight? Hilarious! It's probably the most fun I've had in a while. You might think I'm weird to think getting hit by mash potatoes is fun but that's because I am weird! And any who I've always wanted to have a food fight, the only place you actually see them is on telly. I chuckle quietly to myself.

Before she walked past me and ruined my shirt she looked puzzled and when I started shouting at her, I don't know, but it felt as if something just snapped in her. She seemed like one of those quiet wimpy people. Meh. Beats me. Turning around I walked back to the canteen.

"Hey man! What happened?" My best friend Max asked when I sat back down in my seat.

"Nothing, got detention and have to help with prom prep," I say, "So much fun!" I add sarcastically.

But truthfully I couldn't wait to find out exactly how much fun this would be. I'd love to annoy that girl more, seeing her angry and pissed is quite fun. Hey, I never got her name. Meh. But to be honest as much as I didn't want to admit it the girl had fascinated me a bit. I just fell drawn to her. I wanted to know more about her.

One of the blonde bimbos on our table decided to speak up, "That girl was such a weirdo, like I mean why would she even do that!? You're like amazing for throwing that yucky fish on her, but like I can't believe she threw mashed potatoes at you, is she like dumb?" Her dumb? Not as much as you sweetheart. I just ignored her, and ignored the topic but my friends apparently didn't want to

"Yeah dude, I've got to say, that girl was funny. What was her punishment?" It was Max this time. Can we not drop this? Ugh.

"Same as mine... Anyways forget about her, did you watch that rugby game yesterday?" And after that we talked about the game until the end of lunch.

I headed over to my next class which was Biology; I sat at the back as I watched everyone file in slowly. When everyone was seated the teacher started the register and because it was alphabetically by surname I was first.

"Cain," the teacher called out.

I raised my hand and murmured "Here," I looked back down at my desk and let my teacher drone on.


"Here Miss,"





"Cassandra," The teacher got no response. "Cassandra Bell?" She called out again and got no answer. But the surname of the girl caught my attention. Bell... that was what the principle had called her. Wait then where was she?

Cassandra was in my next class as well, but she wasn't there. I couldn't help but wonder where she could've gone.


A/N: Hey guys!! So this is just a short story I am writing for fun. Hope you like!

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