Past: secrets

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Anna Black was the sister of William (Billy), Jennie, Connie, Emmie and Nora Black. She was in fact Billy's twin. On this particular day in early February, she was returning to her family in Forks from a round the world trip, visiting the other Shifter tribes in other countries. And she had a bit of news for her family. Whether it was good or bad was still unclear to the woman herself. While on her trip she had a run in with a rather unexpected individual, and during her time in the county they spent a lot of time together, and an unexpected and forbidden relationship blossomed. The pair concluded that it was not safe for them to be together so when she left the country she should forget about him completely. However, due to a recent discovery, it seemed that Anna would never forget her dark lover.

She pulled up to her family home, by the vast forest in Forks. She was almost instantly and eagerly greeted by her loving family. Her twin Billy had just been blessed with twin daughters, Rebecca and Rachel, so he remained inside with them where it was warm. Throughout the trip Anna had only written to her mother Judith, who she confided the truth of her lovers identity. Her mother was highly supportive and already knew of the surprise that Anna had for her family.

"Anna you're finally home!" Her younger sisters Connie and Jennie yelled as they raced towards her. Her elder sister Nora couldn't help but grin at her safe return. And Emmie was catching up with the other two in running to hug her. She embraced all of her sisters with a happy laugh and with a few tears of happiness.

"Don't hog her all to yourselves girls! I have to get a look in too you know girls!" Their mother Judith announced happily as she replaced the three girls with herself, holding her daughter close. "I'm so glad you're home Anna. And I can't wait for you to announce the news. Although, possibly leave the more unsavoury part for me to tell." Her mother instructed.

"Of course mumma. I hope everyone is just as happy as I am." Anna spoke quietly tears threatening to fall. Her mother rubbed her back soothingly as they made their way inside.

"We'll be going to a bonfire with the others later to celebrate your return. How were the visits to the other tribes? I trust they're all doing well." Judith enquired.

"Some of them are being threatened by rogue Vampires, however, most of them are thriving only having to compete with the climates of the areas they live in. The chiefs were all very welcoming." Anna explained to her mother as they walked into the family room. William senior, her father walked up to her with open welcoming arms and large fatherly smile. She rushed into his arms. "I missed you papa." She said to her father lovingly. She then moved to greet her brother Billy and his wife Sarah, along with their two baby daughters.

This reminded her of what she needed to inform everyone of. She exchanged a quick look with her mother who nodded to her encouragingly and smiled to her. "Everyone, i'd like you all to take a seat. I have some news." Everyone took their seats while Sarah and Billy remained seated on the floor with their daughters in their laps. Anna stood infront of her family with happiness and nervousness in her eyes. "While I was on my trip visiting the tribes I... I had a rather unexpected surprise. I am pregnant." She announced to her family. Her siblings instantly started gushing and hugging her in joy, her mother and father shared happy expressions.

"Who is the father then Anna? I suppose it doesn't matter much but at least tell us where he's from." Her father insisted. At this Anna hesitated a little and looked to her mother. She knew she couldn't tell him the whole truth.

"Well he's from Italy father. And like all Italian's he was very poetic and romantic. He simply swept he off my feet under the Italian moonlight." She informed him being very romantic about it all making all of her family smile and laugh a little. The whole Black family was buzzing with excitement and joy.

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