Chapter 2: the secret

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We had just gotten home from the diner and I started to feel flushed and almost feverish. Dad turned to me looking concerned. "You alright (y/n)?" He said as he pressed a hand to my head. "You're burning up really bad. Maybe you should go to bed early and get some rest, maybe have a cold shower?" He suggested. I felt really angry for some reason but I didn't want to snap at him so I just nodded and went up to the bathroom. I took a cold shower to try and cool off but it didn't help. I've never ever suffered from illness before, I've never had a fever before or anything like this. I hopped out of the shower and went straight to my room and got ready for bed. I concluded I'd try to sleep it off. I quickly fell asleep.

It was around one in the morning when I woke up panting and sweating like mad, but the sweat was swapping from scorching hot to freezing cold. I remember uncle billy telling me a story once of people that this happened to. I almost didn't want to believe it could be that. But it was the only explanation I could think of. I called billy and told him what was going on. He told me that Sam was going to come and get me, and that I'd be staying with him and Emily for a few days, he told me that he'd drop by in the morning to tell dad what was going on. I packed some stuff and waited outside the house on the steps. I felt awful, but the cool breeze was welcome against my constantly hot and cold skin.

Soon enough Sam arrived and he had to help me into his car, I was too weak to walk on my own. I was very dizzy and was panting. He seemed to know exactly what to do which was nice. He took me to his house and he set me up in a room at the back of it. Emily quickly greeted me, but Sam told her to stay back. He locked us in the back room and he told me to sit down on the bed so he could explain. "Alright (y/n), I need you to try and stay calm okay?" I nodded my head the best I could as I listened to him intently. I knew that none of this was normal. Not by any means. "You know of our history's yeah? About the Shape-shifter warriors that we descend from?" I nodded again. "Well, some of us carry the blood to be able to do what they did, and turn into a wolf to protect our tribe."

"So, I'm a shapeshifter, and I'm guessing that this is signs of my first transformation." He then nodded to me. He knew I was always quick to catch on, he also knew that I loved mythology and history so I knew all the legends and stories.

"Yes. But there is something different about you." At this my eyebrows furrowed. "You know your mother is from our tribe yes?" I nodded. "Well, your father was not of our tribe or of any other tribes she visited. He wasn't even a shifter. He was a vampire." This left me shocked.

"A...A vampire? I suppose if shape-shifters are real it would make sense for them to be too." I was still panting, trying to keep my thoughts as linear as possible.

"Yes. Naturally the two species are natural enemies. But your parents fell in love and had you. But they didn't stay together. Instead they separated for safety, and your mother had you." He explained.

"That's why I look so different to the rest of you. And why I'm so pale." I figured and Sam nodded.

"Your particular breed has a lot of unknowns surrounding it. However, we decided to treat you as our own and raise you as humanly as possible, especially after your mother's death. It was to teach you respect for human life." He explained calmly as he passed me a cold wet cloth to help me. I placed it on my head.

"From what you're saying I'm guessing what I'm experiencing isn't quite what everyone else experiences." I somewhat asked him as I continued to pant but despite the rushing of my blood and the fever my heart felt like it was gradually slowing down.

"You're right. What you're experiencing is different because both your Shape-shifter blood and vampiric blood are becoming active at the same time. You're 17 now, which means you have one more year before you reach full maturity and stop ageing completely. We don't know what it will be like to train you to control yourself, but we know we'll have to ask the local Vampire clan to help you. They're vegetarians of sorts, instead of drinking human blood they drink animal blood. We believe that due to your different sides you'll be able to train yourself easier than others." He explains but then we both hear the cracking of my bones and I scream and land on the floor. Sam rushes and picks me up taking me outside into the dark field surrounding his house. The second I come in contact with the floor I let out one final scream which turns into a howl as I shift. I then look around and fidget worriedly. Sam looks at me in pure surprise. "Wow." He said seemingly gobsmacked. He carefully and slowly approached me. I backed up slightly but then I realised that he wouldn't hurt me. He was trying to help me. I walked closer to him and he petted my head. "Never has the Quileute tribe of this land been blessed by a white wolf. They're said to be legendary, the most powerful of our kind. Maybe their mixed blood is the reason why. Just so you know, Charlie and Renee can't know about this, along with any friends you may have. If you choose to you may continue living with them, but you'll have to learn to control yourself." Being in wolf form I could hear everything around me, smell everything, see everything in such detail, I could feel the vibrations in the earth below my paws. I looked at Sam curiously and he seemed to understand that I wanted to shift back. He explained to me how to do it and said I should try to do it round the back of the house. I managed to do it successfully and I felt perfectly calm and healthy again. However, I couldn't feel my heart beating anymore. I peeked around the corner of the house and asked Sam to bring me some of my clothes which he did gladly. I got dressed and met him on the porch.

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