Chapter 8: the depression

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That night I dreamt of Bella again. She's curled in a fetal position in the middle of the bed. Then at its foot. Under the blankets. On top of them. In various different arrangements over a long period of time that seems to be going through a time lapse. Meanwhile a dark black liquid like tar begins to flood the floor, slowly swallowing everything in the room. It rises up the sides of her bed, higher and higher until it breaches the top of the bed and begins to engulf her. She seems unmoving and unchanging in this time. Her expression dull, her eyes lifeless, her spirit fading away. I reach out to her and try to pull her away from the black abyss but she doesn't reach for me. She just stares at me... I can feel how her heart has been broken... I know how she feels... but she won't let me in. I cry and scream out to her as she's inevitably consumed by the black. I bolt upright panting heavily, a very concerned Jake by my side. "It was another dream wasn't it? What happened?!" Jake asked worried. He knew of my dreams, this used to happen often whenever I stayed with him and Billy. I looked at him with tearful eyes.

"It's Bella... she... she isn't going to be the same... for a long time... a very long time..." I say to him trying not to cry.

"H-How long are we talkin'?" He asked his voice croaking a little.

"Until next year... maybe... maybe even after that..." I stated and he looked mortified.

"Is there anything we can do?" He asked and I really didn't know how to reply. I knew there was only one person who could fix this. But he wasn't an option.

"For once Jake... I honestly have no idea. She's going to be very depressed and distant. She won't talk... she won't sleep... she won't eat... she's not going to be with us for a long time." I explained to him and he nodded sadly. Now understanding just how bad this was going to be.

"Hey, I know you feel the same." He said to me taking my hand in his. "I know you're going to be depressed. And if I can't get through to Bella yet, at least let me help you as much as I can." I smiled to him and hugged him.

"Thanks Jake I appreciate that. I know I'm going to need it. Now go back to sleep. It's only like 4am." I said and we both laid back down to sleep. But I didn't manage to rest. I didn't close my eyes, I couldn't. It was going to be impossible to sleep well without him next to me.

It's been a few days since they left. Bella is refusing to leave her room and she isn't eating or sleeping or anything at all. She's just sitting there like a lifeless statue watching the window. Hoping for him to come back. I went to school and told them that Bella is very sick at the moment and we'll both be working from home for a while. I collected our work for the next few weeks and took it home. I knocked on Bella's door to give her her work but she didn't answer. I went inside to find her in the same spot she has been in the last few days. "Bells, I brought you your work for school. I told them you were sick so you can have some time." She didn't move or respond at all. I walked over to the bed and sat the folder down on her bed. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she seemed to jolt. But she slowly raised her hand to mine and held it there, Before I heard her horse scratchy voice.

"Y-You're cold... just like him..." I knew she would be like this. I shuffled closer to her.

"It's alright Bells, I know he's not here. But if you like I can stay with you for a while?" I softly said to her. She nodded her head lightly and leaned back into me. I lowered my body temperature a little to properly match The others. Bella ended up falling asleep on me very quickly so I gently moved her under her covers and tucked her in, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head before I left. I made her pillow colder so she could maybe rest easier. Lately when she does sleep she wakes up due to nightmares, and the emotional pain.

I go to the Cullens house and sit in my art studio so I can work in peace. Undisturbed. I finished the supernatural painting long ago. It was of a dark woodland scene with golden undertones in the background, with a Quileute chief in the foreground wearing a wolf head dress, along with a large slightly more humanoid werewolf, more like European legends. And the wolf was howling at the blood moon that was in the top right corner, casting a crimson light over the dark forest. But it was supernatural folklore regardless.

Golden eyes (Jasper x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon