I walk to Anna as she’s hugging Kristoff.

“Take care of Kristin and Alexander. We’ll be back soon, I promise.” He reassures her.

When they pull away, I Anna walks towards me. I hug her and smile.

“Like Kristoff said, we’ll be back soon.” I tell my little sister.

“I know. Good luck you guys.” She says towards everyone.

We walk out, Rapunzel and Anna following behind us. The army is waiting outside on their horses. The general approaches us.

“Your highness, we are ready.” He says, bowing down on his knee.

“Good, thank you general.” I reply as he stands.

I walk and mount my horse. Hans, Kristoff and Eugene mount theirs as well.

“Onward!” I call out.

My kingdom’s army moves out and we head towards the North Mountain. The bitter snow blows wildly, but, again, I don’t know why. We get closer to the Mountain every second, making my heart beat faster every second. Next thing I know, we’ve stopped.

Hans dismounts his horse. I dismount mine too.

“Elsa, you know what to do.” Hans whispers to me. “Be careful.” He adds, embracing me.

When we pull away, I mount my horse again and steady her.

“Wait for my signal.” I tell them, as my horse steps in place impatiently.

I click the reins and steer my horse towards the top of the North Mountain, near my castle. I inhale deeply. The top of my castle is visible, and so are my enemy’s tracks. I ride closer each moment. Then, I see the first one. I dismount my horse. I walk towards the man.

Lucky for me I practiced yesterday, for I learned something new. I bring my hand and twist it. I watch as the ground freezes (at least more than it had been before) and cracks. It separate to form a small hole in the ground. The guard falls into the hole and I watch as a door of ice seals him below. I walk over to the hole and kneel down in the snow. I put my hand on one of the bars.

“Are they at the castle?” I question.

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” He mutters.

I exhale, irritated.

“I’m going to ask you one more time. Are they at the castle?” I hiss under my breath.

The guard doesn’t make eye contact with me. I let at an annoyed sigh at his resistance to cooperate. I push my hand down and the cell door above him begins to go downward, closing him in.

“Unless you want to be a human ice sculpture, I suggest you speak up.” I warn one last time.

He is silent, once again, and I roll my eyes in an irritated fashion. I blow the blue magic off my palm and watch it travel through the bars. The next thing the guard does is panic. The magic turns his feet to ice, slowly creeping up his legs. I give him a satisfied look.

“Fine!” He shouts.

I pull up my hand, halting the ice.

“I’m listening.” I urge him to continue.

“They’re at the castle planning an attack.” He finally explains.

“Perfect.” I smile.

I let the ice resume turning him into an ice sculpture; I can’t risk him calling for help and blowing our surprise attack. I remount my horse and click the reins. My horse trots through the snow at a quick pace. I feel her stop and watch her ears perk up. Someone is close.

“Come on.” I urge her on.

She nervously walks on. Soon, the castle is in sight. No one is outside other than all the horses and two guards. I stay hidden in the tree line. I create a ball of blue magic in my hands and almost toss it in the air as it creates a large snow cloud. I await patiently for my army. When I see Hans at the head with Kristoff and Eugene, I feel slightly relieved.

“Did you run into much trouble?” Hans asks once he is close enough.

“Not at all.” I reply. “The Duke is in the castle. If I can get us in, it will be an easy win.” I whisper at the end.

“We have your back.” Hans assures me.

I dismount my horse and walk up the steps and bridge to the front French doors of the castle. I pull my hood from my cloak over my head so I can’t be recognized. I hear the guards whispering.

“Excuse me ma’am! You can’t be here!” One of them warns in a deep voice.

I ignore them and stray even closer until I am almost an arm’s length away.

“Hey, you! Do you have cotton in your ear?” He shouts.

I lift up my hood and they immediately pull out their weapons.

“Oh save it.” I hiss.

I bring up my hands and watch as two larges arms of snow rise from the ground and wrap around them. They are struggling above me against the arms of snow.

“Where is the Duke?” I ask them.

“Plotting to destroy you! You don’t have a chance!” One of them replies.

“What a shame…” I reply with an artificial pout in my voice.

“You won’t last against him Elsa.” The other braves.

“Oh shut up.” I roll my eyes as I twist my hand.

I watch the arms of snow freeze to solid ice, freezing the guards as well. I walk into my castle, leaving the doors open. I rush up the steps quietly. I round a corner and peek my head out. I don’t see anyone, so I continue. I make my way up to the top room and am on my guard. I stand directly in the middle of the room. I am prepared to melt the entire castle. I lift up my arms and bring them down. I watch the walls slowly melt away. I concentrate only on melting the castle, nothing else. Which is a mistake.

I hear a voice and my head whips in that direction. It’s one of Hans’ brothers. He takes a crossbow, aiming at me. I hear the arrow leave the bow and immediately bring up my hands in defense as an ice shield protects me. The castle is still melting, but at a slower speed.

“You shouldn’t have left the protection of your guards, Queen Elsa.” He sneers.

“I can fend for myself.” I retort, lifting up my hand and sending a spear of ice towards him.

I send another, it strikes his arm, pinning him to the wall of the melting room. As the wall melts, so does the spear. He moves the second the spear leaves his arm, despite the bleeding wound. I struggle to melt the castle and deal with him at the same time. I breathe in deeply with a shaky hand at what I’m about to do.

I jerk my hand in his direction and watch an ice spear strike his chest. He falls to his knees and gives me a death glare. Then, his dead body is still bleeding out. I turn away and concentrate on melting the castle. Every second it is closer to disappearing. Within ten minutes, the castle is gone.

I look around, all the guards and men who were inside plotting were now outside. I hear a shout.

“Onward!” Kristoff yells.

I watch the army leave the protection of the forest and next thing I know, there’s a bloodbath.


Hey guys, Merry Christmas! I originally wanted to make this chapter a long one, for a Christmas Present, but it's Christmas Eve, so that didn't happen. The song I chose for this song was The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. So Merry Christmas again guys! Thank you SO much for all the likes and comments! 

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