Ch 2// COS

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Mrs. Weasley fussed over the state of Harry's socks and tried to force him to eat fourth helpings at every meal.

Mr. Weasley liked Harry to sit next to him at the dinner table so that he could bombard him with questions about life with Muggles, asking him to explain how things like plugs and the postal service worked.

"Clara, didn't you spend some time with Hermione over the summer?" asked Ron.

"Yes," Clara replied. "Only for the weekend though, but it was loads of fun! She had a radio-- just like us, except it played music and stuff! Hermione said they're called tapes! They played thirty minutes of music per side and she had all these amazing performers like Cyndi Lauper, Michael Jackson, and Tiffany!"

"I've never heard of them." Ron scrunched up his nose.

"Holy Cricket, they're amazing!" Clara squealed. "We stayed up all night listening to those tapes."

"I've heard of them," Harry said. "Not my type of music though."

"Harry! Quick! Sing 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'!"


"Oh c'mon, Harry."

Clara continued to screech the song at the top of her lungs while chasing Harry around the kitchen table.

"Alright you two," Mrs. Weasley interfered. "Calm down before you hurt yourselves or someone else."

"Anyways, she gave me her old tape player because she got a new one just a couple of days ago and some old tapes too!"

“Fascinating!” Mr. Weasley said. “Ingenious, really, how many ways Muggles have found of getting along without magic.”

"Hermione also had a TV." Clara said with a grin. "We watched a movie called Grease."

"Isn't that what's in a hamburger?" Fred asked.

"Well yeah, but-" She took a long pause as she slowly looked up at the twins. "You've never seen Grease?!"

The twins shook their head and Clara started rambling on about how Hermione gave her the soundtrack and they were going to listen to it all night. Harry chuckled as both of the twins took Clara and ran upstairs to their room.

"I didn't think that you'd be that excited to hear a musical soundtrack." Clara giggled slightly as she put the tape in her tiny portable tape player.

Fred turned to Clara and sucked in his cheeks as his ears got hot.

Clara caught his eye immediately and felt like something was off. "That is why you guys drug me up here, right?"

Fred stammered a little bit while George got some blankets and stuffed them at the bottom of the closed door. "Well, yes, and we thought that you might want to try something."

Clara was confused. "Try what?"

George came over and stood next to Fred, looking down at Clara as she stared up at them with innocent eyes. "Have you ever heard of Cannabis?"

Clara was taken aback, but nodded. She had heard of Cannabis. She used it very seldom when making potions, but it was  necessary to have. She had many books on herbology and they often talked about Cannabis as being a rare ingredient for potions and should only be used when absolutely necessary and at the end of every chapter, the text read:

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