Ch. 2 // PS

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Clara looked at the kids saying goodbye to their parents. She pushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear as she watched Draco say goodbye to his mom. Severus already had to be at Hogwarts the day of their arrival, so he dropped Clara off at Malfoy Manor the night before. It wasn't the first sleepover Draco and Clara have had, but it was the first one in awhile. They stayed up until midnight talking about Hogwarts and what all they've heard.


"Well you've been there before." Draco stated turning over on his side to face Clara. Clara blinked, Draco's blue eyes pierced her dark grey ones. "What's it like?"
Clara sighed deeply. "You know how castles are something you hear in fairy tales and something you see in town, but you never get to see the inside?"
Draco nodded, slightly annoyed with Clara's story telling. Why did she have to make a novel out of a simple question?
"You actually get to see what it looks like inside." Clara giggled a little. "I can't believe there's actual classes there!"
"How big is it?" Draco asked.
"Bigger than the Manor." Clara replied. "Big! Like....really big. The food is amazing. There's a sorting....hat. It decides....your house. Slytherins.... common room is in .....the dungeon, Hufflepuffs are in the..... basement next to the kitchen, Gryffindors stay in the..... Gryffindor tower," Clara's eyes started to droop as Draco started to close his.


"Harry Potter."

That snapped her out of her thoughts.

She immediately started looking around. Draco hadn't stopped talking about him ever. It was like he admired him almost, but would never admit it. Clara knew very well of him. Almost any text she read, he was in it. Every time she mentioned the name to Severus, he would cringe ever so slightly. She looked to her right. Four read headed boys stood next to her. Two of them twins. She looked at one in particular. She had seen him before. She couldn't remember where though. She smiled a little as her heart skipped. He turned to look at her as well. He caught her smile and threw one back. Clara quickly turned her head again, feeling her ears get hot.

"Be on your best behavior." Narcissa said giving Draco one last kiss on his head. She looked at Clara and smiled warmly. "Both of you." She gave Clara a kiss as well before leaving the two.

"I gotta go meet up with Vincent and Gregory." Draco said. "I know you're not a big fan of them."
Clara rolled her eyes. "Idiots." She mumbled.
Draco half smiled. "They're not that bad."
Clara hummed in response. "I'll just go find an empty compartment."
She walked down the hall, looking for an empty or semi empty compartment. She found one with one person in it. She opened the door and two blue eyes filled with tears looked up at her.

Unlike her father, Clara had a big heart. She immediately sat down across from him.
"What's the matter?" She asked with raised eyebrows.
He wiped under his eyes. "I lost my toad...Trevor."
"I can help you look for him after I change into my robes."
"Thank you." He sniffled. "I'm Neville Longbottom."
"Hi," Clara smiled, "I'm Clara Snape."


After she had changed into her robes, they started searching for Trevor. Clara noticed Neville was quite clumsy. "Look out!" She called out, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt as he almost walked into the Honeydukes Express.
A plump and friendly witch smiled at them. "Would you two like anything?" Clara smiled a little. Her dad would kill her if he knew she was about to spend what little sickles she had on sweets. But he didn't have to know. It was a long ride anyways.
"May I have some licorice wands, jelly slugs, and a bottle of pumpkin juice please?" Clara asked.
"Would you like me to buy something for you?" She turned to Neville.
He shook his head. "No, but thank you for asking." He smiled a little. Clara smiled back.

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