Author's Note

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I don't think I ever introduced myself properly.

Hi, I'm Summer!

I'm a Hufflepuff.....(the ellipse is so you can say your house)

I'm so glad all of you are enjoying Mon Cher and my O.C. Clara Snape! I love writing and reliving the magic of Harry Potter as I do so. However, I am in college and I'm working almost 30 hours a week, so it's kinda hard to find the time to write. When I do find the time, it's very little, but I make the most of it. Keep in mind that I write my own dialogue and scenes on top of basically rewriting the whole book with Clara in it and I also try to write more than at least 2,000 words a chapter, so it takes time.

I'm also gonna clear up some confusion, give out some spoilers, and answer some questions :)

• I don't know how many times this has been asked, but Clara IS the BIOLOGICAL child of Lily and Severus. (That's kinda what the whole book is about)

Clara's main love interests are George Weasley and Seamus Finnigan. Chamber of Secrets is going to be more George centric and Prisoner of Azkaban will be more Seamus centric. In Goblet of Fire....all I gotta say is: You're not ready.

•Will Clara remain unharmed by Voldemort because she is Severus's daughter or will she be in the same boat as Harry? I don't want to give too much away, but....a little bit of both.

•Will Draco and Clara have a moment? I really don't want this to be a romantic Draco fan fiction because I feel like there's too much of that already (and many times I've written that Clara thinks of Draco as her brother), but they will have a small moment.

•I noticed a lot of you are upset that I didn't put Clara in Slytherin. The reason I put her in Gryffindor will be further explained as the book goes on.

•Finally...When will Clara find out that Harry is her brother? I did a little foreshadowing in the very first chapter ;)

Again, thank you guys so much for reading! There's more to come!

Mon Cher (Severus Snape Daughter FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora