Chapter 20: William Shelley

Start from the beginning

A memory from the other day in class comes to mind. I'd be eradicated before I got to the state border. Does that mean he can't even leave the state alone? Or was he just referring to leaving the family business? A cloud of doubt and disappointment floats over my mind.

"I'll ask him." I say, still in shock with the situation.

We're going to New York City.


The following morning, I'm sat up at the kitchen table eating warm cinnamon pancakes with my Mom, Gran and Lorrie. For the past half an hour, I've had to endure relentless flirting from both of my relatives, which Lorrie only seems to adore. The three of them talk nonstop; Mom and Gran ask dozens of questions about his family, about Italy, about Teddy, about our 'relationship', about school, about his bike. The whole situation reminds me of a long-winded game of twenty questions and I can't help but feel on edge the whole time. The last thing I want my Mom and Gran knowing about, is how Lorrie spends his free time. However, Lorrie seems to answer them all perfectly, satisfying both of their appetites for information. He smiles at the right moments, makes jokes that they coincidently find hilarious, compliments the house and Mom's cooking, shakes both of their hands on arrival, and even gives me little pecks on the head every once in a while, showing me that he's enjoying himself. By the time that twenty questions, more like fifty questions, is finished, I feel more relaxed about everything. Lorrie's had to hide his true self from hundreds of people, he's not going to slip up with my family.

The four of us go through a whole pot of tea and three batches of pancake mix, before I realise that we only have twenty minutes before Lorrie and I need to set off for school. Mom seems to click on to this as well and, being the good Mom she is, gives Gran a let's give them some time alone look.

"Well Mom," my Mom begins, sighing happily as she stands up. These days, she seems so much more relaxed. Even her face, which was once covered in worry lines, now looks smoother and seems to glow. In the space of a few weeks, I can vividly see how good she's doing. "I think it's time that we go and get our stuff ready for the ladies club later. What do you say?"

Gran, who is filling the dishwasher, looks up and also clicks on to what Mom is hinting at.

"Ah yes. I was thinking that we could go to the yoga club today? Let's go and pack, George will drive us up a little earlier. It was lovely to meet you Lorrie." Gran says, shutting the dishwasher. She scuttles around to the area where Lorrie and I are seated to say goodbye.

Lorrie stands up, towering over Gran, and gently takes her hand, planting a kiss there. Gran's cheeks seem to uncharacteristically blossom with redness, making me silently scoff. He then does the same to my Mom, who beams up at him. Where was this chivalry when we met?

"Thank you for having me over this morning, I've had a lovely time and it's been great to meet you." Lorrie says to the pair of them, before returning to his seat beside me.

"Oh that is no problem Lorrie, you are welcome here whenever you want. We're so glad to have you in the family. It was lovely meeting you, look after my girl on the way to school." Mom says, giving me a wink as she ushers Gran down the corridor.

"She likes you." I say once they've gone, giving him a nudge.

"And I like her." He says straight away. "She reminds me of you."

"The bossiness?" I ask amusedly.

"I prefer the word assertiveness." Lorrie teases, using my own words against me.

"Ha-ha." I say sarcastically.

He swivels on his stool so that he's facing me head on, his legs pressing against mine. Today he's wearing some blue skinny jeans and a grey hoodie, the first outfit that I've seen him wear without a black item of clothing making an appearance. I, however, am wearing a black denim dress that he can't seem to keep his eyes away from. He really does have a thing for dresses. I know that he's been waiting for us to have a moment alone so that he can do his daily once-over of my outfit.

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