"Stay right there Sophie". I said and walked towards the locker room.

When my dad made plans to build this school, he wanted it to be like the high schools in the movies. I was the captain of the soccer team so i had the key to the boys locker room.

Thankfully, I leave some of my cloths here in case we have an emergency training session.

Taking out a pair of the school's joggers and the hoodie, I walked to the back of the school praying silently that she was still there.

Short girls were always so stubborn. I pray she wasn't stubborn.

When I reached there, I noticed she was still there.

Thank God she proved me wrong!

I dropped the joggers and hoodie on her and said, "Go to the girls locker room. Take a shower and put that on".

"Just in case you don't know, I'm new here. I don't know where the girls locker room is".

I rolled my eyes and held her hand.

Her soft palm. God, if agege bread is soft, what will I use to describe this hand?

"Are you going to take me there or you are just going to hold my hand all year?"

Stupid girl with a soft palm

I made sure she was safe in the locker room before I headed to the kitchen to see if I could get her something to eat.

You are missing class just for a girl and you are saying you don't like her

Yenyenyenyen.....mind your business


Sophie's pov

The bell finally rang for closing time. I never knew Nathan could be nice. He got me food from the cafeteria but that didn't even help me at all. I wanted to cry o, but, I'm a bad ass. We don't cry.

Plus, if I cried, I wouldn't hear the last of it. The hoodie was so big and warm. And lets not get started on the oversize joggers. But it was comfortable.

"So you are tryna say my own brother. My blood. The one that was given birth to by my mum. The one that lives with me. The one in ss3. The one that--"

I rolled my eyes as i interrupted her, " Nahh. I don't think his the one. Probably your spiritual brother. Idiot. See question. Mumu"

She hissed and picked up her bag, "My brother never does things like that. He has never given me his hoodie. Something I used to steal! Something smells fishy." She said as we walked out of our class.

"Lmaooo....aunty clean your nose!!" I said and she started laughing.

"Mumu. You like to do like --" I noticed she stopped talking. I saw one of Nathan's friend. He was also looking at Sophie with a smile. He winked and walked away.

In case you are wondering why he was on our floor, Ss3s and Ss2s share a floor.

"Madam, close your mouth. It doesn't smell nice baby". And if looks could kill, I would be dead.

I laughed as i walked in front of her. My laugh was cut short when I saw Peter. The bastard who hosed me down.

"Hey there Sophie." He said with a smile. The stupid follow follow boys at his back gave me a smile.

Who is smiling with these ones??!

I hissed and walked past him. He grabbed my wrist and was about to say something when I heard a familiar voice

"If you don't get your hands off her right now, I'll make sure you never have kids!! I promise you that"

I already knew who it was just by hearing the voice. A smile made its way to my face as i looked at who said it.



Hey hey!! Expect an update tomorrow! I know you love me, I love me too😂

So I have a question for you guys. It isn't related to this chapter or anything but I have to ask abegg!

Lets assume you are married. And you are tired like so exhausted due to work or something sha. And your husband wants to have sex with you. And you are telling him no that you are tired.

If he forces himself on you, is that rape??

The question has been in my head for awhile. I say make I ask una🌚

Anywayy, tell me what you think about the question in the comment section

Oh and, what do you guys think of the book so far?? Comment below.

And don't forget to vote. I love you. Till tomorrow night or next tomorrow😂


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