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They stop walking since they've reached a turn and now have to wait cross the street


A drop of sweat began to form on the side of his head as he said the alien's name.
The entire walk has been silent up to this moment. Both too worried to interact.
The alien turned his gaze towards the vampire bee as he blinks his purple eyes twice due to the surprise from the sudden call.
The adorable act causes the drop to fall down Dib's face and his antennae to drop forward slightly.

🔷"I think I might have a plan"

Zim's eyes became even bigger from excitement. He jumped


Still looking worried, Dib nods
The alien's excitement drops into concern

🔻"What's wrong?"

He asks kindly as he tilts his head, only making it more difficult for Dib to share his plan.

🔷"I think we might..."

Zim's head was leaning in closer due to his curiosity. His lack of knowledge of the personal bubble caused Dib to drop his sentence and fluster.

🔷"w-we might need to..."

This time his sentence dropped again but for a different reason. Concern.
He grabbed the alien's tiny hand between his own and looked him deep in the eye.

🔷"Zim. I think the only way to secure your safety, is if we negotiate with the bees"

The alien flinches heavily. He moves away but fails because of Dib's hands getting tighter.


He began to tremble, looking at the ground in shock.

🔷"I know it sounds scary but listen,"

🔻"Y-you're trying to make a deal with them?"


Many ideas flow through Zim's head as he heard that single word

"Is he lending me to the bees?"
"Is he sharing my blood with them?"
"Will he be charging them for my blood?"

Noticing the growing fear on Zim's eyes, Dib speaks


The instant he heard his own name Zim came back to reality and immediately attempted to escape

🔻"Let go!!!"

🔷"Zim Listen! We can't kill every- ZIM!"

He wasn't listening. He kept on trying to get away with all his strength. His mind was being really mean to him on what Dib meant by making a deal with them. He did not want to be pimped especially not to the bees, especially not by Dib. The thought of this broke his tiny alien heart.
Dib realizes that he might not have worded his idea in the most proper way. He's trying to explain this to Zim but first he needs him to stop struggling.
Dib spreads his wings, causing a wind effect, then pulls Zim into his chest and wraps his wing around the alien, now he's trapped against the vampire's chest.


He jerks his shoulders as one final attempt before realizing there's no way to escape.

His eyes glosen as they fill with tears.


Vampire bee:🐝 careful 🍯~Where stories live. Discover now