He was getting chocked up. It struck at my chest. In a panic, my legs pulled me forward to kneel beside him. "Miyuki, what are doing?" Katsu asked in confusion. I placed my hands on the drenched, dying man's chest. Ryuu was too busy frantically trying to keep him awake as his eyes dulled, becoming more lifeless. I shook my head frantically, "I don't know! I just moved! Maybe if I just removed the cold water somehow, he might just-" my anxious rambling was halted as I felt something slippery and wet creep its way up my hands.

I watched in awe as my hands glowed blue with chakra. Calling the water on the man to come to me, it absorbed into my skin. "What is this?" I stared at my hands in awe, the old man was visibly drying while my hands gathered the water into my very tissue cells. "Miyuki... Is that Medical Ninjutsu? Are you healing him with your hands?" Katsu asked in awestruck wonder. I shook my head. I wondered too. But it wasn't healing him. It was fuelling me. Whatever it was, it felt rejuvenating. I somehow absorbed all the cold surface water off the old man. My hands stopped glowing blue, the remaining water encasing me suddenly solidified into ice. My brothers gasped, and in a panic, I shook off my ice-spiked hands. Immediately shattering it to bits that fell on my lap.

Suddenly, the old man coughed before visibly relaxing. He sighed with ease, "He's going to be okay!" Ryuu declared in relief. My eyes widened, and I looked from the old man to my trembling hands, "What am I?" I wondered aloud. "Come on, let's get him to his Inn and near a fire!" Ryuu instructed as he put an arm over him. "R-right." I stuttered, snapping out of my trance to help carry him. Katsu acted as our guide until we found the Inn the old man called, 'Lee's Place.'

Luckily, the Inn happened to be nearby. We were welcomed by an old lady who was worried about her husband. She practically through him into the fireplace and crying with relief. She thanked us for our efforts by rewarding us with biscuits and tea. Sadly, we couldn't wait for old man Lee to wake up. We bid our farewells to his wife, Granny Fumiko, and she embraced us in a bone crushing hug. She told us we were welcome anytime, which we gratefully accepted. Even if we may never be able to come back again.

We returned home that night and just in time too. We dismissed our clones, took a much-needed bath and flopped into our beds, exhausted from our little adventure. It wasn't too long after that our parents returned to kiss us good night. Of course, by then we were out like a light. The next day over breakfast, our parents informed us that several changes would be taking place and that it was because of a child prodigy in the 3rd caste named Zabuza. Zabuza had slaughtered the entire Graduation Class of fellow students that were older then he was at the Academy. It was a shocking and disturbing piece of news to hear someone around our age had done something so horrifying. The Mizukage could no longer ignore the protests and civil wars and had the Graduation Ceremony banned. Now the Rakurai Division are needed to play a more active role in the Great Ninja War. Meaning our younger members need to replace the ones who would've graduated this year in the Hidden Mist and so on. Our parents were now running point for missions, and would no longer be able to actively oversee our clan from home. To compensate for not being there constantly, we were to be under the care of Kaiyo, Master Daichi's wife.

We still lived in our home, but Kaiyo would come by for mealtimes or to check up on our training since Master Daichi would also be running point as the Tactician for our parents' squad missions.

You can imagine the joy exploding within us at hearing all of this. Our parents and Sensei would be gone for days on end, and we were put under the care of the easy going, sweet, forgiving woman, that was Lady Kaiyo. She was a carefree and gentle spirit. Honestly, I think she might even approve of us exploring the Village if we told her the truth. In fact, I secretly suspected she knew all along. After all, she was the other Ninjutsu Orb Master of Haurutsuki island. As you may have guessed, we went back to the Inn. The Inn Keepers were great hosts and welcomed us warmly as regular visitors in return for saving old man Lee's life. They told us stories, and we told them our own. We trusted them whole-heartedly. They often scolded us for wasting our youth and clear strengths on the island and hoped that one day we get to travel the world and make things happen for ourselves. They wanted us to be the heroes they had seen first hand. It wasn't long before we had the guts to explore beyond the Inn. We did it in disguise. Hidden under guest beds in the Inn was always our spare clothes and the red scarfs we wore as hoods. It prevented being recognised as the Inn regulars who come in formal attire for tea.

We were met with all kinds of bandits and thieves along the way, none of which had a chance against us. We basically used them for practice, and in a single year, we had become the 'Red-hooded' heroes of this small island of the 3rd caste.

One day, while enjoying tea at the fireplace on the sofas with granny Fumiko and old man Lee, a villager burst through the door, "Old man Lee! Granny Fumiko! The bandits, they're-" but before he could finish his frantic message, someone shoved him to the floor. The three of us stood up from the couches, but were held back by Granny Fumiko's outstretched arm, "Lee, will take care of this. Besides, you're not in the proper attire." The granny smiled. She was right. We had already done the justice serving for the day and had changed into our Haurutsuki kimono attires for tea before leaving the Inn to go to dinner at Kaiyo's. If anything, we looked like the foreign children of a Feudal Lord or something.

We gave her a slow nod and looked up to watch as Lee stomped over to them, "Ye ain't welcome here!" he shouted, pointing straight at the leader of three. "Huh. I thought you'd be dead, old man Lee. Especially after what happened the last time you didn't want to hand over your cargo." Their leader smirked. They were all tall, full grown men. Not that it scared us. "Why, I outta..." The old man said rolling up his sleeve, but Ryuu jumped over the couch and in an instant and came between Lee and the readied punch of the Bandit Leader. He slid across the ground after taking the blow.

I gasped, rushing over to his aid, while Katsu pulled the venting old man Lee back to prevent Ryuu needing to protect him without showcasing any strengths. "Oh, Ryuu... What were you thinking?" I asked in concern as I held his head up in my lap and stared at the bruise on his cheek. "These guys... They think they can take whatever they want from the weak by pushing them around, and I'm going to protect them no matter what!" Ryuu declared with determined eyes looking straight into my soul, I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Ha! You should listen to the Doll-face and use your brain more often, kid." The leader taunted, causing the two bandits behind him to laugh. Little did they know, his comment had rubbed me completely the wrong way, and as my aura grew darker, and my hair shaded my eyes, Ryuu gulped at the tenseness he felt coming from me, "What did you just call me?" I asked lowly.

The bandits stopped laughing immediately. The leader smirked and unsheathed his blade. With a heavy swoosh, it sliced through the air, and its point landed below my chin. I remained unphased, with my head hanging low as he spoke, "Hn. Why don't you stay and serve us some cookies, Doll-face?'' He teased with smirking grin as the other two muffled their amusement. In that same moment, I snapped, and grabbed his sword with my bare hand, purple lightning flickering from it. "What the- Ah!" he exclaimed as he dropped the sword after it was hit by the lightning that surged through his blade. I rose to my feet, my eyes hidden behind the shadow of my bangs as I stood up and raised my hand out to the three. "Don't ever call me that again." I warned, and in a sudden surge of chakra, I shot out a purple lightning stream, electrocuting the three on the spot. They screamed in agony before falling to the ground as I released the Jutsu.

They twitched as their skin let off light smoke from the attack. I stepped over to them and when the leader looked up from the floor, he was shocked to meet with my cold glare. He gasped in panic before another one of his bandits said, "I-I'm getting out of here!" dashing out the inn. "Me too!" the other whimpered as he crawled away, out the door. "H-hey wait up!" The leader called out as he finally registered what was happening, before sloppily running out as well. "Victory is ours!" Ryuu suddenly announced as he jumped up. "Yeah!" the others cheered. I huffed at where they had just escaped, "Chickens." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, Ryuu grabbed my shoulder, "So, this is your confident side huh? It's scary how much it reminds me of dad's." Ryuu half joked. I frowned at the comparison before growing a wide grin on my face and ruffing up his hair, "Whatever, short stack." I teased. Katsu then walked up to us, "Just remind me never to get on your bad side. Looks like you're getting the hang of your lighting stream attack." He pointed out. "Yeah, congrats! I can't wait till I'm old enough to work on mine! I wonder what colour it would be..." Ryuu said excitedly. "Well, my orb jutsu will still reign supreme over your Lightning Techniques." Katsu said snootily. "What, no way!" Ryuu countered. I hummed a smile and just like that, all was well again.

~A/N: This is it! The moment were I introduce some of your favourite characters from the original Naruto series. Aren't you excited?🤓~

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