"I'm not choosing and that's final!" Peter exclaimed, and I chuckled.

"It was an unfair question, sorry kid." I said, and he smiled.

"Can we watch a movie?" He asked, and Tony sat on the couch behind me, spreading his legs so I could lean between them comfortably.

"Sure, what movies do you like?" I asked, and Peter shrugged.

"Anything but romance." He cringed, making me laugh.

"Well do you feel like horror, comedy or action?" I asked, throwing some popcorn up for Tony to catch, which he did.


"Horror!" Peter exclaimed, and Tony flicked my shoulder, leaning down to whisper only hear.

"He's only fifteen, baby girl."

Oh shit.

"I can watch with parental supervision." Peter said, then blushed when he realised what he said.

Parental supervision, hey?

"Sounds good, kid. Here, pick something." Tony said, throwing Peter the remote, which he caught with ease.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

"Beer please, honey." Tony said and I stopped, waiting for Peter to say something.

"Do you have lemonade?"

This kid is too fucking cute.

"Of course, I'm not a monster." I said, laughing and jogging into the kitchen.

I grabbed a beer for Tony, can of lemonade for Peter, and made a cup of tea for myself, before settling in on the couch next to Tony.

Peter had made himself comfortable, pushing the coffee table out of the way and plonking himself on a bean bag inform of our legs, staying close.

I handed the guys their drinks, and Peter tilted his head back to look at me.

"Hey, could we watch Insidious? I heard some people at my school talking about it, they said it was really scary." He said, grinning, and I giggled.

"Promise you won't get all scared? I'd hate to turn it off and not see how it ends." I joked, making Peter shake his head frantically.

"No way, I'm a man."

Tony chuckled, putting his arm around me, and I nodded at Peter to press play, which he happily did.

"This is gonna be so good." Peter giggled to himself, and I leaned my head on Tony's shoulder, sighing happily as he kissed my forehead.

It felt nice to relax and not have to worry about everything, especially since I'd have to talk to Ross tomorrow and clear my name.

Don't know how I'm going to pull that off.

We got past the introduction of the movie, before Peter quickly paused it.

His head quickly turned towards the window, then looked at us.

"Did you hear that?" He whispered, and I giggled.

"Don't tell me you're already scared, kid. It's only been a few minutes."

"Someone is at the door, Mr Stark."

Peter leapt three feet in the air, literally, and I started laughing.

"I'll get it." I said, jumping off the couch, handing my tea to Tony and walking to the door.

I opened it, and froze.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now