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THE small window was slightly ajar as a blonde haired woman stared down at the busy streets of Saint Denis. Blonde wisps of hair blew slightly as a breeze came through the opened space. That day she had her hair done in an intricate bun with shorter hairs framing her face. She was wearing a dress that she already knew her mother would disapprove of.

That day they were expecting a group of men for some type of business deal. Anastasia always hated these gatherings, so to express how she felt she wore dark clothes.

Her dress with a black and red velvet one with long sleeves and a high collar.

Her head perked up slightly when she heard a commotion downstairs and assumed the men were there. Anastasia rose from her seat and carefully went downstairs. Her parents were already talking to them, this gave her a bit of time to look them over.

The two men that were doing the most talking so far looked to be as if they were leaders. One had dark black hair with a hat on his head, he had a beard with it to match, and he was wearing a nice suit they all were. The other looked to be a lot older but Anastasia didn't miss his kind eyes, she could definitely tell he was a good man at heart. Her gaze drifted to the two other men that looked to be quite a bit younger. One had dirty blonde hair that was almost a brown and bright blue eyes. The other specifically caught her eye because he had scars that covered the right side of his face. His hair was longer than any of theirs and he had to pretty dark green eyes that looked warm but cold at the same time. Her thoughts were cut off by her mother's voice.

"And this is our daughter- Anastasia what are you wearing?"

And with that all the attention was turned to the small blonde girl.

"I-" She tried to defend herself by saying it was a nice dress, but her mother had other plans.

"I specifically told you that you needed to wear brighter clothes. Why don't you ever listen to me? These clothes make you look like some.." She paused a moment a disgusted look on her face. "Yankee." She spat the word out as if it were poison.

Anastasia's rolled her eyes quicker than she ever have in here life, she took a peak at the guest to see they look a bit aggravated as well, at her or her mother? She wasn't sure.

Her father scoffed and and grabbed her shoulders pulling her in front of him, presenting her as if she were some kind of prize. His hands squeezed her shoulders a lot tighter than they should and she held back a wince.

After a bit they were all split up, Anastasia sat looking out the window like she always did. The only difference this time is someone came and sat beside her.

Her head turned and saw it was the man with the scars. She smiled lightly and turned her head back to the window.

"Hi." She greeted.

"Hey." His raspy voice greeted back, Anastasia then decided she loved his voice. "I just.. I think...I think the dress you have on is pretty despite what they said."

Her eyes softened and her gaze moved to meet his. "Really?" He nodded softly. "Well thank you..." She trailed off, implying that she wanted his name.


"Well thank you, John."

The man nodded his head with a small smile. The two then sat in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. They just sat there and looked out the window, enjoying how beautiful it looked.

"Are your parents always like that?" John asked, breaking the silence.



Anastasia pondered the question a moment before answering. "My parents...they aren't nice folk. They treat me like garbage and the only way they won't treat you like garbage is if you're white, rich, and just as fake as them."

He nodded his head and seemed to be thinking before one of the other men interrupted.

"John come on, we're leaving."

The duo looked at who'd called for John to see her parents and the other men looking angry as ever. Said man looked at Anastasia and bid her goodbye before going with his friends.

"You no good filthy yankee's!" Mrs. Cumberland shouted at the men as they exited.

"What happened?" Anastasia asked. All she got was a glare from her father and a scoff from her mother as they both stomped away.

She rolled her eyes at their dramatics The girl then walked to where the meeting was held and saw a note that wasn't there before her and Johns conversation. Hesitantly she picked it up and read it.

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cumberland,

I am requesting you have my money to me by this Thursday or I'll be sure to to have you hung for what you've done. Everyone will truly know how horrible you people are. You two make me look like a good person. The only exception I'm willing to take is that I marry Ms. Anastasia. The men I've sent to bring you this letter will be back Thursday for either the money or Anastasia. That is up to you.

Angelo Bronte."

Anastasia read the paper a few more times before setting it back down. So not only is she getting married unwillingly but she is getting married to Angelo Bronte. She knew her parents would rather give her away than money, any day. She only hoped that the men would have mercy.

But what Anastasia didn't know was that there was no budging these men. They were working to get John's son back and they'd do anything to get him back.

A/n: sorry it's short I plan to make the next one longer.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍; 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora