chapter 7

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Alexa's pov
    "On the phone"
???:so I see our plan worked. Nice job baby.

Alexa:yes,but we don't know if they have broken up yet. We just know it has gone viral.

???:i know but sasha has probably seen it. And I heard that she was taken to the hospital.

Alexa:i hope she dies. Then our revenge on seth will be complete.

???:alright baby. I have to go start part two of our plan. Talk to you later.

Alexa:bye boo.

I just hope our second plan will be successful. How dare seth leave me for that sasha,he will get the worst from me.

At the hospital

Nobody's pov
   They are in the waiting room,they have been there for an hour now and the doctor is not back to tell them anything yet. Charlotte has been pacing about worrying if  sasha is fine because the  suspense has been slowly killing her.

Bayley:char what are you thinking about?

Charlotte: obviously what we are all thinking. If sasha and the baby are alright. This is all seth's fault if he hadn't gone yo get drunk this wouldn't have happened. I'm soo going to kill him.

Roman:charlotte pls calm down no need to yell. We are at the hospital alright. And we are not sure if the news is actually true. We just have to wait for seth to get here.

Becky:seth is coming here? Did y'all already find him.

Bayley:yeah finn found him or rather bumped into him. So I told them to get here as soon as possible.

  Just as charlotte was about to speak up the doctor came out of the ICU. They immediately rushed to meet him.

Dean:doc is she alright?,like is she fine?,is there anything we are to be worried about?,is the baby alright?.

Roman:jeez dean slow down with those questions let him at least have a chance to speak. Doctor so what's the news.

Doc:she is fine and I also found out she is pregnant,are you the father?

Roman:no I'm not.but what happened is the baby fine.

Doc:i will have to speak with the father of the child ASAP. There are some things th-

  As he was about to finish his sentence seth and finn came running in. They were sweating and panting as if they just ran a marathon.

Finn:hey guys sorry we are late,there was traffic so we ditched the car and started running. We probably ran like 4 miles or something.

Doc:that's fine, but pls who is the father of the child I need to speak with him urgently.

Seth:I'm the father. Is there any problem with the baby,pls tell me what's going on?

Doc:come with me to my office.

     (In his office)

Seth:doctor pls what is the problem.

Doc:nothing. Both mother and child are fine.

Seth:ahh thank goodness.

Doc:but she needs to be taken care of urgently she needs to be shown as much affection as she can get so as to avoid any form of panic attack or unnecessary stress.

Seth:that's fine doc I'll keep that in mind. Pls can I go see her now.

Doc:yeah sure but only one person can go at a time until she is taken to the ward. And she is also free to go home if you want.

Seth:alright. Thanks again.

With that seth left his office. Immediately he got out they all approached him with question. He explained all what the doctor told him to them. Then charlotte brought up the alexa topic. He told them how he woke up in a different room,his clothes of that day still on him and how there was no sight of alexa. All the girls sighed in relief that nothing happened between then. But they still scolded him.

Bayley:seth pls don't pull thus kind of stunt ever again. Now pls go and see sasha and try to explain things to her.

Dean: yeah dude and try to be patient with her you know how stubborn sasha is.

  They all shared a laugh on what dean just said because they know it's sooo true. They all decided to go back to the hotel because they had raw tomorrow.

Seth's pov
   I gently opened the door and walked in. I saw sasha,I quickly did a silent prayer and walked up to her.

Seth:sasha,sash are you awake?

Sasha:seth,what are you doing here?

Seth:well I came to check on my girlfriend and child. Is that a problem? And I came to talk to you.

Sasha:well I don't want to see.or talk to you pls just leave.

Seth:sasha I know you are upset because of what happened but I swear nothing happened. And even if I'm drunk cheating on you will be like committing the greatest sin in my life,and I love you too much to do that ok?

  I remembered I had to be so soft with her. She did not say anything she just stared at me with tears beginning to form in her eyes. I quickly moved gloser to her and wrapped her in a hug,she immediately hugged back,she hugged me soo tightly as if she was scared of loosing me or letting me go. I pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears.

Seth:don't cry,mercy I'm not going anywhere,I love you ok,so now no more crying because if you cry more often the baby might be affected and you won't look pretty for me.

Sasha:you are such a jerk.oh so i look ugly when u cry.

Seth:no sash that's not what I meant,you look pretty either ways I just love seeing you smiling and happy.

She immediately started laughing because she felt happy for teasing me,I also smiled because it felt great seeing her smile. She immediately sat up and pulled me in for a kiss,I immediately kissed back. The kiss got intense in a minute as if we both needed this kiss but before it got too intense I pulled away. She pouted becayse she wanted more,I just let out a laugh and smiled. I just thought of us  being best friends for a long time and I never thought I would fall soo much in love with her. I quickly pulled myself out of my thought.

Seth:sasha come on put your shoes on let's go.

Sasha:seth,where are the rest?

Seth:ohh they already left. They had to go rest because of raw tomorrow.

Sasha:ohh ok I'll speak to them tomorrow then.

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A/n:sorry update came late I wanted to update earlier but I slept off☺😂😂. Anyways

*sesha is back to normal. And both sasha and the baby are fine.

*but who was alexa speaking with. And what plan do they have?

Alright next chapter soon. Pls vote and send in your comments, love y'all 💖

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